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Granny Danger

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Everything posted by Granny Danger

  1. Yes she knows exactly the impact of what she’s saying, but I think @Boo Khaki’s point is that she doesn’t believe it herself and I think Boo Khaki is correct. It’s like Trump claiming he won in 2020. He knows it’s a lie but it serves his purpose.
  2. With hand and heart and sword and shield we’ll guard old Mecca’s walls…
  3. The allure of the steak bridie should be a big draw. Hopefully the only draw.
  4. This will be the same Simon Case that has done a runner.
  5. Two problems with that ‘analysis’. The first is that the trade union movement these days is protectionist and little else. There was a time where they tried to influence wider political debate but years of being marginalised and ignored have limited them. They might go through the motions but it’s mainly posturing. There’s probably also quite a few right wingers in the trade union movement who are only interested in their own little empires and will probably be aligned with Starmer politically. The second is that the trade union movement have nowhere else to go politically if they stop supporting Labour financially. Labour should be their natural home but for those trade unions on the left who might even consider withholding funding where would they put their money? I also believe that Starmer would be quite happy to reduce, and eventually remove, any financial dependency on the unions. I’m sure there would be a consortium of big businesses willing to fill the void; we’ve seen that already through sponsorship at their conferences. Then it would be USA mark II, both main political parties funded by big business.
  6. If Trump had cashed in all the money he inherited and invested it in an S&P tracker account he would now more wealthy than he actually claims to be. Mind you that would not salve his ego.
  7. If only… Jeremy Corbyn is no longer a Labour MP. Starmer has done everything in his power to marginalise the fairly small number of existing Labour MPs on the ‘left’. There will be a huge number of new Labour MPs elected at the next GE, few if any will be on the left because Starmer and Labour’s National Executive have made sure that the selection processes have been fixed that way. After the next GE ‘left’ Labour MPs will be so few in number and influence their only ‘power’ will be to embarrass Starmer on issues but the size of the Labour majority will be such that it won’t really matter. As I said, possibly the worst take in a long time.
  8. Possibly the worst take I’ve read on here for a long time.
  9. I’m wondering if the New York bar association might want to censure Trump’s lawyers once this case is over. Some of the language used by Kise and Habba in reference to the New York AG would surely breach professional standards.
  10. Let’s not forget that in the criminal cases he only needs one jury member to vote against conviction.
  11. Starmer is going to be the next PM because Labour is perceived to be not as bad as the Tories. In the age of corporate owned media, corporate directed social media and a society where people have far more interest in big brother contestants/bake off winners/I’m a celebrity participants than social causes then maybe representative democracy has outlived its utility.
  12. I agree with all that but as much as I despise Trump he doesn’t seem as nearly as old as Biden and whilst his speeches are long, rambling and incoherent it presents itself as bluster rather than reduced mental acuity. I agree that the Democrats need to speak truth to power however I do not see anyone forcing Biden out unless he wants to go. I just hope something happens that makes him want to go. Maybe a date with the grim reaper. A Trump victory would be a fucking nightmare and not just for the residents of the USA.
  13. The economy is important but the biggest issue with voters is Biden’s age. Why should anyone trust a man on the economy, foreign policy, domestic policy, etc. who is already showing signs of cognitive decline with the election still a year away and a second term that would keep him in the White House until January 2029. Biden’s ego might well hand the election to Trump.
  14. Trump’s testimony in NY going well. Answering all the questions briefly and truthfully. The judge has called him the perfect witness.
  15. They will work out a deal with tax man and suffer to further consequences.
  16. Religious theologises remind me of Trekkies or Game of Thrones enthusiasts or Tolkien fans. Incredibly detailed discussion and debate about fictional events.
  17. If you’re going to this you better wear a hazmat suit. Ebola is very contagious and is spread through body fluids as listed below. I’m sure you have excreted all of these during a match over the course of a season.
  18. We sometimes used to go for our weekly shop early on a Sunday. Being unable to buy a bottle of wine with the food was a pain in the arse. More so the Tesco or M&S meal deals that included wine.
  19. Blinken: please can we have a humanitarian pause? Netanyahu: f**k off Blinken: ok well we will still keep giving you billions of dollars and strategic military support.
  20. It’s not a bad idea. We could also look to bring in a RB on loan to give us options with how we utilise Grimshaw. If we continue as we’re going there might be bigger clubs willing to offer a player on loan who could be part of a league winning side. ETA would then give both club and player options for the following season.
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