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Posts posted by McMuffin

  1. ive gt a £40 accy on 2nite fingers crossed for me,







    man u

    returns £3961.74

    Seeing as this is where we post our wins (as denoted by the "Win Counter" name of the thread), I hope your coupon gets gubbed.

  2. Just won £625 on Fruit Mania on bet365. Put £20 in my a/c and won on my 3rd spin at £1.25 ago :lol:

    Most I have ever won

    Well, I won the most undeserved tenner ever from 20 on Stevenage, as they were aaaabsolute shite. So up yours.

    Seriously though, nice one ya lucky c**t.

  3. My lass got me tickets for Interpol for my birthday, which i'm very pleased about. And I know it's not music, but i'm also going to see Omid Dijalili in March (i think).

  4. :lol:

    Seriously though, do you think I keep typing 'don't bet on us -we're shit' in the gambling forum for the good of my health? ;)

    I know mun, I know. I should have listened, but I thought evens against Berwick was a gift. Shows what I know.

  5. Tuesday night I put a 4 draw accy down for £1. Forest - Leicester, Dundee - Livi, Partick St Johnstone and Wednesday - Hartlepool.

    The first game was voided, so I got £40 back. Which was nice.

  6. Harry Potter: Order of the Phoenix


    I just thought this was utter shite compared to the previous 3.

    Previous 4. Nugget.

    Transformers. The smile that spread across my face when Optimus Prime appeared was a cheeser of the highest order. Absolutely brilliant.

    8 out of 10 for the film, 10 out of 10 for nostalgia.

  7. I've not long finished A Spot Of Bother by Mark Haddon. Same kind of opinion on it as The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Nightime. It was good, certainly not a bad book at all, but I find the sentences really fragmented and it doesn't really flow. In the same way as his first, you get to the end and think 'There was no real 'high' point in that book. It kind of plodded along at the same level'. That doesn't necessarily make it a bad thing, because, as I say, I quite enjoyed it, but it leaves me feeling a bit confused as to WHY I actually liked it.

    Guess what book i'm about half way through?

    I loved The Curious Dog but this one, i'm not enjoying so much and yet I can't stop reading. Maybe it's because i'm waiting for something nice to happen.

    There are a lot of times when I've chuckled, and I like the structure of it and the way it's written. But it's so fucking glum.

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