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Everything posted by kaisayr

  1. Few glimpses of our new boy here. He’s number 18, playing on the left for those needing to brush up on their Romanian.
  2. Anyone know anything about the boy Warnock released by them? Quick google of him there and it’s mentioned he’s a right winger. I’ve read a few snippets which suggest he’s a decent player. In a world where Chalmers doesn’t re-sign (and I don’t think he will) this move seems pretty plausible.
  3. It wasn't long after Bryden came on. He was asking whether it was Bryden or Rose that were supposed to be 'zone marking'. I guess he meant when we were defending corners.
  4. Noticed this tonight also and came on to doff my cap. Incredible effort!
  5. Tom Odell's 'Another Love'. Not that you'd recognise it! See the club's tweet from Jan 13 for a crisper rendition. Must be a wee anthem amongst them.
  6. The problem is not the defenders. It's that we have four very attacking players and even Murdy and Ben like to try join in as well. Whenever we lose the ball we are wide open. I would probably sacrifice Brad Young and try get a tighter hold of games. That is by no means a criticism of Young who I think has done really well.
  7. Alaba skooshing this If only Liverpool had a Stephen O'Donnell or somebody of that ilk.
  8. Loved Duffy encouraging Bradley to go press for the third goal. ‘Go Steven, go Steven!’ - could almost chalk that up as an assist for the gaffer.
  9. kaisayr


    No, sadly I couldn’t get the first one either although I seen the meltdown (or part of it) in a trailer. The actor playing the part is just brilliant. There isn’t a bad turn in there but he’s what sets it apart. Just caught up with episode 6, the scene prior to the return to visit to the Pittsburgh clinic was brilliant.
  10. Alloa’s loanee left back Callum Crane has been released by Hibs.
  11. kaisayr


    Started watching this on your recommendation. It’s tremendous. Thanks!
  12. Good funny interview with Andy Geggan about 30 mins into the Soccer FM podcast. He’s a good larf.
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