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Everything posted by wunfellaff

  1. Please let a vote of no confidence be put forward. In anything. At all. This is going to be a waste of time today, yet compulsive viewing.
  2. 1000...... I wish Celtic would kill them off but I doubt it will be tomorrow. Fwiw, for all the changing in position, SPL, Div 1 or 3, I really don't think it matters too much at the moment, apart from fecking up the game and ruining what authority the ruling bodies have/had. Newcorpse will die. That is certain. It is just a question of who will be the one with the hand on the dagger, and believe it or not, i firmly believe it will be their own.
  3. Guilty M'lud From Thommos blog but it quotes the SFA rulebook I looked at......
  4. Funnily enough, when the rumours were going yesterday about Ogilvie, Ballantyne, Findlay and being Rangers shareholders whilst involved at other football clubs, I had a look at the regs on that, and having the shares in or wifes/childs name is still a big no no
  5. If newcorpse go bust then the SPL as an entity will save more than that on expenditure (wages etc). Kill them
  6. Then they got telt from CAS last week over their Euro ban on the Turks........
  7. There is soooooooo many of these out there, but this is the best today imo....
  8. Totally irrelevant. What they are going to be asked to vote on is whether to accept them into SFL and what div. Oooooooooooooh Turnbull Hutton on sportsound http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/scotland/17325775 at 6.10........
  9. Much as cockwomble paints a bleak picture, i have no doubt that newcorpse will die soon, and when they expire, so will his tenancy. There is too much still to come out. Thommo tonifht for starters, plus remember was ut a fortnight ago the bit about a former manager saying a major fraud had been going on? They will die, its just a pity certain chairmen don't see this....
  10. One last piece of stolen imagery afore snoozy snooze time, but its worth it
  11. Another Chewin' reference Got the 'set phasers to malky'' as one of my tags I think....
  12. ffs, Orcs complaining about the media http://www.vanguardbears.co.uk/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=249:beware-the-journalists-of-qenlightenmentq Unbelievable.....
  13. Thin Ice (2011) 6/10 Could have been soooooooo much better. At times it had shades of Fargo, snow bound Winsconsin, body to dispose of etc etc, but really let down with a shitty 'lets tie all the threads together in 45 secs'' ending. Good cast included Greg Kinnear as a shmarmy insurance salesman in financial trouble, who takes advantage of an old codger(Alan Arkin) when he realises the old boy has a valuable violin. Shame about the ending, but beatifuly shot at times.
  14. 2+2 is his vital statistic? Well I never.......
  15. Guess is that Ogilvie - Hearts, Findlay - Cowdenbeath and Ballantyne - Airdrie held positions in those clubs whilst being Rangers shareholders.....conflict of interests. Just a guess though, allegedly etc etc etc.................
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