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Everything posted by wunfellaff

  1. The dumbass posted a link for an obscure reason on a thread and gave his reg. number................2+2 = avatar..
  2. But they have to be carefull as well, I see Uefa got bumped http://www.uefa.com/uefa/footballfirst/matchorganisation/disciplinary/news/newsid=1831887.html by CAS over the Turks failure to pay transfers and had its ban lifted....(well, on 3 years probation)
  3. Surely that would be less Not advoctaing for it, but if they were all to be shown then they could be drawn up at start of the season and nothing would need to be moved bar postponements etc.
  4. 'Cos ''allegedly'' he was a (undisclosed) shareholder in a certain defunct club perhaps?
  5. Norway has just signed a 4 year tv deal at @£40million per season. http://www.tvsportsmarkets.com/news/2011/oct/norwegian-football-domestic-rights-fees-over-33 Are we really that far behind Norway now?
  6. lol, I just noticed other pics on that site McCulloch arrives.(Audi) McCulloch departs (Vauxhall)
  7. I take it Thommo hasn't released the Ogilvie shtick today ? Was looking forward to it too .........
  8. http://www.sportinglife.com/football/news/article/439/7860151/brown-murray-cancelled-talks? Bomber won't get to see the paperwork on who owns Greyskull today , I can hear the angry ring pull rippppppppppppppppp from here . On an aside, Fat boy said £16m will be lost from the Scottish game I think. What was the currants wage bill? Get rid of them totally and there is no problem, all the other clubs wouldn't be worse off
  9. And then sent pm's 'I like rape' etc to F Engels I think.....
  10. Off topic but it was a feck me moment when I saw this stat from tonight.....
  11. Presumably a P+B agent , ''seen Rangers destroy Parma'' on OrcTalk can't have long to go. Previous topics started include ''Rangers Media forum full of fat paranoid self harmers'' (4 pages ), is now officialy a 'heavy duty' with the pearler of a topic ''f uck your forum - full of w ankers'' Edit : gone already afore I could get into it
  12. The person who wrote those words, Nora Ephron, died this week. Good timing for newcorpse's demise
  13. Well the rules were obeyed, they could not get a CVA passed, so they are extinct. Newcorpse is what is up for debate now incase you hadn't twigged, and the rules to deal with them are already in place. Following those rules, newcorpse will fold as it cannot live on Div3 income (possibly not on Div1 either) and also become extinct. The problem is that said rules are being manipulated by parties with a vested interest (mssers Regan, Cockwomble etc) to try and ensure their survival. Wishing them extinct is not the same as wishing them not to survive by any possible means.
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