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Everything posted by wunfellaff

  1. says the Captains brother/cousin and dad all in one Name one mile of greenery between Glasgow and Greenock or Muhwell............ Same city.
  2. 'Cos Greenock + Muhwell are suburbs of the same city, that is not a shock.
  3. No, for all that is right, no. Cowan is a fat jolly weeg. Yes, Muhwell is a weeg club/town. Feck the fat unfunny shit.
  4. 1/ I suppose I have been a selfish son of a bitch most of my life, and got leeway as a kid as my parents died when I was 12. I don't think I was playing on it, but undoubtably it shaped my life/views. 2/ I don't believe city folk have a clue about the rest of the country, and vice versa. Multi-cultural issues relates to the bigger pops in the main and that is where policy is made. I 'think' I was 14 before I met a person that was not white or asian (and that was maybe 3 Asians total multiple times). 3/ I live in the past in terms of 'everything was better then', I think every generation does. 4/ I think 'sectarianism' has changed over the last 40 years and that gives me cross purpose with younger folk. I did know boys that had the 'foot' question in interviews, yet now asshole Celtic fans take the hump if they are called the 'F' word. That wasn't a 'bad' word until recently, same as 'dictator' wasn't. Changing times. 5/ I hope another 'Spanish Flu' event happens soon. The Worlds pop is out of control, and, fiscally, it is vital.
  5. Fines either died with the club or were withheld from final league payments iimr...........
  6. And, God bless 'em, HMRC allowed them to do it when they could have pulled the plug . This has really screwed oldcorpse. Great! It meant they got 2nd in the SPL, but killed them outright.
  7. Quiet it is true, but not a 'yes'...............even an abstension is a 'feck yez' For my own part, considering the 'fair play' and 'back the underdog' mentality from Celtics past (in all walks of life afore anybody starts), we should yave come out early and said 'bury them, for the good of the 'game' and Scotland, bury them''
  8. Eh, ingrained rascism............. twat. It would almost be worth newcorpse getting back in to see you walk away from footie and P+B. Feck, even the Damned were better off without the Cpt. Been on about this for a couple of months, it is the ability to obtain a license that is crucial,not having one, and the talk back then was SPL would wave it, but Uefa would not, ie back in SPL but no Europe for 4 years. Things have moved on but this remains a vital part. They can't get it!!!!!!
  9. Unless Uefa take it up the downpipe, then 4 seasons without them...........................and stop saying 'ban' Mr. Traynor, it isn't.
  10. And the costs etc for staging the event get split too? Non starter I am afraid.
  11. From OrcTalk a few hours ago, might be there to sign..... Oh,and already theres talk of singing
  12. I find it more than amusing that Laugherty leaves the financial wreck of oldcorpse and ends up at Sion and with Rino
  13. Probably not a popular opinion but by the end of Season 2 I was a bit 'meh'. Don't know if the novelty of zombies is wearing or not. Will watch the next season but in the end it has the feeling of Logans Run a bit, the shit tv series not the film, move on - survive, move on- survive....
  14. Fat sally has legged it oop north for some fishing on an estate near by...might take a visit to the hotels in scourie and kylesku to see if lamb of the succulent variety is on the menu...
  15. Black and white ? St. Mirren imo.. hopefully they munch on all the seals around here.
  16. A pod of Orcas have been kicking round about 1 or 2 miles from my work. I hope they come closer
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