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Everything posted by wunfellaff

  1. 1/ WRK admits defeat. 2/ You moved outside your country. True? No? Well not one coont in uniform has died for my country since 20 years afore I was born. Poppies? See Earl Haig, greatest of all English generals.....So that defeats point no 2. 3/ lol, bigot in a fitba ground only then? What the media accused the OF of for decades, 90 min bigot. That is what YOU are
  2. Thats the peach of it all, Rangers are no more, they can be stripped of the titles without anybody complaining
  3. 1/ You said you gave reasons, so if you stop justifying yourself and then making dumbass comments based on the opposite, then i will stop. 2/ You emigrated down South, beat it. 3/ You are intolerant of the currents 'cos of their 'beliefs' I do declare. Bigot.
  4. Where will all the ex Rangers board end up, masquerading as 'fans'.......?
  5. 1/ So you gave your reasons, yet , so if your business alone, STOP GIVING REASONS.2/ You have left 'my' country so feck off < smiley face at you fecking off. 3/ 'Interesting' yet you didn't answer............
  6. Well you shouldn't have tagged every post on a public forum with KTID then if its 'respect my private views'.....just a thought. You ain't dead. I would also take part with 'people that have died for the country I call home' part - NAME THEM ALL. Twat. You don't even accept that you hold bigoted views ffs, everyone is a bigot ya clown, just maybe not inline with your bigotry.
  7. As 'normal' law varies greatly within FIFA's juristiction, thats bollox. Think 'Highlander', 'there can be only one'..........
  8. Fer fecks sake give it up, a more broken record is hard to find in this thread. Right, I follow Celtic, I am a bigot. So roon ye. Problem is, for you, is that I am not a religious bigot. I hate the currents with all my being but NOT 'cos they are proddies. Get that? Not their religion. Because they have exploited it for my lifetime of awareness, 40 odd years, I cannot stand the coonts. Being a self styled 'diidy' does not give you a speshaaalll cloak of indignation that no one else can don. And don't start this 'aw Cellic, big family club, no one like us' crap as being soley our province, I give you... Get it? Youz are the same. Whether you like it or not. Anyhoo, I thought you were done with football, KTID (in fair weather)......
  9. Stolen from elsewhere......... 80's group The Buggles have revealed that they will re-release their hit, but it will have a new title of BDO KILLED THE RANGERS FIVE STARS! I've managed to obtain a copy of the lyrics... I heard it on the wireless back in February... Gers in administration, Dearie, dearie me.. they even asked their fans to lend them 50p!!.. Oh-ah, oh!! They've still to find out if they used an EBT. They owe their creditors from the west coast to Dundee They even made the news upon the BBC Oh-ah, oh-ah!! More than once, we tried to tell them.. now they're shitting bricks, now you can smell them!! BDO killed the rangers 5 stars!!.. BDO killed the rangers 5 stars!! Hector came and kicked their arse!! Duff and Phelps - oh, what a farce!! Maybe there's a league on Mars!! Oh,oh!!.. Nae merr 5 stars!!
  10. Reported on the World Service that China has gone apeshit with corruption, matchfixing etc. Chairman of Chineese football 10 1/2 years , twitchy Campbell?, esp as Rangers are a global brand they would not want to upset China.. Gurniad ^^^^^^^^
  11. No, you said it didn't happen when it was put to you it had. You didn't understand the concept of an average if I mind right.
  12. I'll post this now as no chance of getting on THE page, for the succulent lamb cooks......
  13. What bollox, haven't rejected the CVA route also means they haven't accepted it.
  14. Corialanus (2011) 9/10 Directed by and starring Ralph Fiennes, who goes toe to toe with Gerard Butler in a reworking of Shakespeare thang, but set in modern day Rome, against the backdrop of riots and Civil war. Very well done, and reminds me of a similar reworking of MacBeth 15? odd years ago with Sean Pertwee, but with a major film budget. Not a big Shakespeare fan but enjoyed it immensley.
  15. 'Sold', an interesting concept that I am surprised you have come across before. Usually it involves one party giving the second party something in return for 'payment'. 'Payment'. Again this will be a new word. Don't worry, your club hasn't
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