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Everything posted by wunfellaff

  1. Been looking at a list of Scottish clubs who have played in English FA Cup Wiki Queens Park - 2 finals, shame on them Partick Thistle - should know better Third Lanark - defunct Cowlairs - defunct Renton - defunct Gretna - see where I am going wae this ?- defunct Hearts - theres hope and Rangers .???????????????????????????
  2. My understanding of English is that Rangers still owe the money on ALL the smaller ones Just 'cos some fans donate cash to companies owed money by the club, the bills remain outstanding unless the recipients deem otherwise. Didn't the £354 for Weirs retirement vase get offered/left and the guy says he will give it to charity 'if' Rangers cough up?
  3. I'm sure Rangers wouldn't mind the smell (sorry the old 'pig wouldn't mind' gag, could not resist)
  4. To the tune of ''thousands are sailing''..... ''Oh Ibrox it is silent now, It's as quiet as the grave, And Thommo interviews a tarnished man, whos fortune it could not save Did you have a double contract Did you play up the bigotry Were your Pounds from the Big House Paid through E.B.T.'s Did the old songs taunt or cheer you And did they still make you cry Did you count the months and years Or did your teardrops quickly dry -----------------------------original verse but seems apt Ah, no says he, was not be From Spain I came But it was on tranfer with no fee Thousands are creditors Across the western ocean To a land of opportunity That some of them will never see A feckin penny Across the western ocean Their bank accounts empty Their lawyers commanding hefty fees They'll never break the chains of poverty And we'll dance ....... In Govans desert twilight In the death of afternoon The bears just cant believe The rumours going roon 'The Sash' it broke the silence As you whistled it so brave And like Michael Flatleys footsteps We danced upon your grave''
  5. No 8 I think it was said when I asked the same thing, was that the EBT's were from the Trust and not Rangers. Re wage deferral tho, does that not make the players creditors inspite of amended contracts?
  6. Trying to download the Nazi version which I wasn't aware of until all the recent guff. Jewish captain who ignores the heroic German 1st officer. Interesting for comparison if nothing else.
  7. Haven't listened to Clyde in decades (out of transmission area) and only started to listen online recently, its terrible. Sportsound at least doesn't have weeg adverts
  8. Red Cliff (2008) 7/10 Chinese 300AD warfare on an epic scale, a John Woo going back to his roots type film. At 4'40 it was split in two but I watched them back to back. Done on a big budget, it is the politics, scheming and skirmishes that lead to the climactic battle at the end of the 2nd film. Huge cast, great settings and even a naval battle on the Yangtzee river. Really enjoyed, so will dig out some more of the genre like The Warlords (Jet Li), Three Kingdoms and The Warrior. It is subtitled,not dubbed, so if that aint your thang, probably not for thee.
  9. Naw, booted her about 6 feet straight up, and told her to stop surfing for doggie porn. thats the reason its in search history..........
  10. ^^^^^^iffy laptop keyboard after dog stood on it, combined with me being a lazy bugger re checking my posts.
  11. ? that was a joke ? Really Why would I want to contact the JC when its the Animal Rights coonts I have issue with? And I didn't raise the issue, so, roooon ye!
  12. So you are all for making the fences a lot bigger, ditches wider etc
  13. Right you bru swilling cretin, see if you can follow this. Pressure from asshol....eh people concerned with animal rights, have resulted in far smaller fences/ditches etc. This has resulted in MORE deaths. Why? Without the greater challenge that bigger obstacle bring, more horses are racing that would never have got near a racecource a couple of decades ago. They can go a lot faster with smaller obstacles, and speed is now a greater premium over abilty. Faster they go,more damage when they fall.
  14. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ exactly the attitude that has cost more horses their lives in the last 10 years than in previous decades. Cluess re National Hunt .
  15. Only gonna get worse with the increasing changes forced by the animal rights tossers making it more dangerous for the horses
  16. ffs , all the best BD, all I can add apart from that is to gather as many opinions as you can from as many specialists. 2nd/3rd even 4th. Then take which course which you 'most comfortable' with. Good luck.
  17. I really didn't get them saying an SPL newco with a 10 point deduction would get 2nd place. Wtf am I missing? They would have zilch resources, any club selling them a player would ant cash up front etc etc. etc. I would think relegation struggle more likely.
  18. Not football, its the nearest place you can buy jelly I believe. For some reason all stocks in Scotland are sold out
  19. On the day. Only 3 of the finalists haven't been caught in druggy shenanigans. This is the similarity to the Rangers saga, in that they are being found out over past indescretions, Hell, they probably go back to 1988 as well
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