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Everything posted by wunfellaff

  1. Didnt think so. Not enough vans in it...............
  2. Slowly downloading 'The Anderson Platoon'' after reading about Pierre Schoendoerffers death recently (director). documentary about Vietnam from 1965. Really want to see the 'predesessor' 317th section about the French in Indochina in the 50's. Has anybody seen either?
  3. Oh far from disagreeing , but the one word missing is ''successfully''. Nearly 'any' club 'could' be profitable.............at a cost.
  4. 100x100 for Tendulkar. Good on him, its been a millstone.
  5. ? CVA wouldn't impact double contracts, auditable a/c's, game into disrepute etc etc etc and etc. No Europe = no profit. As you say, they smell money, but this will be only through asset stripping
  6. Celtic finance the following years purchases through any Europe profits. That wont be available to Rangers. Even assuming that they stay in SPL, they will be downsized and wont get into Europe. Crowds/revenues will fall. Rapidly. This assumes no Eufa sanctions, of which I can see there being.
  7. Celtic are only 'profitable' cos of Europe.They 'say' they dont factor it in, but....... I dont expect that sort of income for Rangers for 5 years minimum.
  8. Friend of a friend so cant delete But, I can block.....
  9. Disagree, remember they have not serviced the debt whilst in admin. Take away Ticketus, and income @£12 mil season tickets, plus tv, plus merchandising. No Europe income. They would NOT be profitable.
  10. ? Its 5pm for interested parties and Haudit + Co will shortlist at that point as far as I understand it. Wont be today for a takeover.
  11. Only if you asset stripped. As an ongoing concern they were needing a mill a month remember to survive at their spending levels, reduce that and you reduce their success and profitability.
  12. Interesting to note that after a good week for the Spanish clubs, it has been reported that they owe 752 million Euros in unpaid tax PLUS their version of NI. wowsers Maybe the talk of Rangers for La Liga is based on that they would meet Spanish financial regulations
  13. So she checked in as the old dear checked out? Classy
  14. Is tomorrow going to be a 'good' day with offers etc? If I read it right, any interested parties would have to have a shuftie at the books, sooooooooooo, no offers?????????
  15. Not sure as I switch off at his name, same as Jim Carey, tho as proved by Obama getting a Grammy, awards dont mean shit.
  16. Far far far more watchable than Immortals, hence a 6 imo. Ie avera.ge And I would DEFO be more likely to watch at some point in the future as opposed to say Hangover 2 which some folk w**k over , now thats pap. Edit to say and I detest Cage bar Raising Arizona, shoite over-rated actor!
  17. ? Season of the Witch was more than watchable, would have been higher bar the comic asides.
  18. Immortals Awlrite, but if after sword and sandals, watch 300 again. 4/10
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