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Everything posted by wunfellaff

  1. 'If' they dont get liquidated and continue on, does the ticketus deal still hold? Ie no income for x years from season tickets?
  2. Well there is no point feeding the fox COS ITS FECKING DEAD!!!!!!
  3. But isn't it tomorrow that is the big day ? Ie after 14 days the administrators cant just terminate contracts without a pay off. So by reasoning the major tattie byes must be in next 24 hours. No?
  4. The Hunter (2011) After the relative disappointment of ''The Grey'', I went for anther hunter of canines hired by big corporations, but what a difference! A smart, well crafted. well written, well acted (The Grey at times was shocking, 20 mile hike after a plane crash and some still delivered as if on stage at the Vic) and all round excellant film. Rumours of there still being a Tazmanian Tiger (they died out in the 1930's in a zoo after being hunted to near extinction) get a military corp to hire a guy (William Defoe) to find and kill it (they would retain DNA copyright wise). He gets involved with his landladys family. the local loggers hate outsiders etc etc. There are many layers to this unlike The Grey which make it absorbing. Between the two, watch this. Far more rewarding. 9.5/10
  5. The Grey Liam Neeson is a hunter employed by an oil company in Alaska to kill wolves around the installations. Following a plane crash a few survivors find themselves tracked by wolves pissed off at their intrusion. Snow, plod, wolf, plod, snow, plod, wolf......wolf. Think thats the plot covered. Far from as good as I expected but still a 7/10
  6. More like Pete Waterman hasn't changed a jot but Michela Strachan? ........shudder
  7. 'Researching' for next years Dead Pool already , I came across this guy.
  8. Will be doing this myself this year. Got the telescopic ticket last year and I imagine it be very similar (my work used to put people through them oth at the same time but split them now). Cue lots of H&S bs, rakes of crazy vids and some practical followed by a short test against the clock.
  9. So that leaves the one in the middle..........
  10. If you double click on it, it should open up a new tab on Youtube page. Heres the description anyways
  11. In Japan there has been a huge financial scandal over Olympus. Similarities? Interesting to know one of the execs was found hanging from a tree yesterday with a note saying 'i'm sorry''. I just cant see Craigy boy having the same sense of guilt.
  12. Yeh, a pie maker, gets done up after slapping a stripper at a club function. The star is smoking doobs and givin it ''its all a pile of shit, chasing a bit of leather'' Look out for the no5, a Puyol double
  13. I aint got a comment to make on the above, I'm just trying to be a good guy and get the thread onto the next page asap
  14. If you got the book etc and are taking it in , I presume you are going to ref abroad?
  15. The Rum Diaries Better then I expected, great support to Depp and well worth watching 7/10 The Club Deserves more of a write up than the first one as folk probably never came across it. From 1980, an Aussie Rules club deals with boardroom backstabbing, overspending and a lack of success ( remembered it with all the Rangers stuff recently, hadn't seen it since the 80's so downloaded it). Spot the Whyte, McCoist, and Grieg comparisons , and the old soak of an ex player and former coach (Grieg) lines(''he's been up his mum , his legless sister and thinks he killed his dad!'') are class. Really well written, footie bits well shot and the best sports song in history. Watch it! (reminds me in style of Gregorys Girl) 9/10
  16. In a show of sympathy, Calcutta which is twinned with Larkhall (insert black hole gag here), is to be repainted blue , houses, taxis, the whole shebang! Jings!
  17. On occassion I have changed it when quoting him over the last few weeks, yes I am that sad He has even tried to go further than box and non box office with his underclass shit, I propose a new catagory, ''dry'' and 'damp''. McPee would be in a catagory on his own at last!! Just what he aspires to!
  18. Still trying to figure how Obama could have won a Grammy
  19. Empty what??? House, sac, fridge, head??? We DEMAND to know!
  20. A lonely place for dying 5/10 Cold war thriller set @ 1972 KGB v CIA sort of thing. Competant BUT only 1st part released so far (28mins), kinda spoils it. Other bits to be released when donations hit 40 grand I believe, but if its a while, I will have forgotten about it.
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