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Everything posted by wunfellaff

  1. "you lot" ? Sounding like himmler there bennett. I have no problem with our national language.
  2. A proper bear already replied and said he had read the thread, so "made up" ? Link tedi. I'll give you it if you want. And why would I bring up religion? This is gonna be your new stick to throw at me I reckon. Good luck.
  3. Prior takes first step on the Chucky orange strip route with demanding all rail stops are dual language.
  4. That's my point. Any timposter will be pro prior. The WATP shit is only as I have an image to uphold.. fav moment was years ago when I helped out a timposter from Malta, realised he was a goner and fired up the pic of his Kaunas bet.
  5. Agreed. Why would Uefa care about a brand new club in the Scottish third tier ? Insane. Though platini might not like a brand new club in the Scottish third tier that infers he has a booze problem that makes gazza, durranty and bomber look like wee frees.
  6. Those were ff, here's a rm one Now, I genuinely believe them to be bears. I , for one plastic, went down the "seems legit, FTP WATP" route. Went down well I must say.
  7. In continent is something the buns won't know about for at least another 3 full seasons......
  8. The fact there is suspicion, means they are not convinced. Try the other thread on it.....plenty more there.
  9. It would've gave credence to the rumour I was going to post... You really don't think before posting , do you ? Bears aren't convinced.....
  10. I was going to risk a spare account on the swamp yesterday saying Prior was both a timothy and charlotte fakes, and going to destroy the club from within. Didn't in the end but soooooo wish I had. Both parents Oirish catholics... rumour might have stuck.....oh and his burd is called "Lustina"...
  11. Holy Jeebus, first visit to rm for a while and d'artagnan makes bennett seem comprehensible .. ^^^ this is in explanation to.... Will stick to the swamp from now I think...
  12. Yep.And why ? Long term investors won't look at next season. Long. Term. Plus, the wurld rekord 3rd division club (nearest comparison on crowd size) , was valued 50% more than Celtic lol. A team with players who could be sold for more than a cup o piss. Either we were undervalued , or they were vastly vastly overvalued. I don't think there is an in-between. But it is both.
  13. Aberdeen would worry if the gates were down. The sheep would get out. Mt, I posted the respective share price graphs a couple of days ago. Without "them" , the value of Celtic has gone up up up. Without us, the new club has nosedived.
  14. And most of their debt occurred with the dead club in the league.. East of Scotland league for them. They can catch you up in the second tier if tfplg is still at the helm.
  15. I remember that. Think even posted a couple of "watp" Pile of nothing to do with the email address being edited out. The 'confirmed bachelor' was thinking mensa was beneath him and he was the new Sherlock Homes, with the sycophants loving it. Deluded fat pig.
  16. bi-polar is associated with bears. Rm crowd and swamp crowd, if you will.
  17. You only live twice Live and let die The man with Gold off the radar. The Spy who taped everything.
  18. But as "big loyal Jim" fae Airdrie does, he does it for a reason. Bun through and through, as proved earlier on this thread
  19. yep, and "brother smith" gave his judgement without full disclosure from the dead club. You want a "full investigation" ? Does not seem like it.
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