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Everything posted by wunfellaff

  1. Tedi, 150,000 documents. One hundred and fifty fuckin thousand. I quite believe the number. Reduces the chances of charlotte being a fake to zero imo.
  2. Charlotte Fakeovers @CharlotteFakes 7m Version of 5 way agreement with legal comments discovered. Looks like draft 1 (as published).With 150,000 docs to review, it's a long game.
  3. There's more, as used to be a catchphrase... Charlotte Fakeovers @CharlotteFakes 26m Deplorable. National paper about to publish a 'hatchet' job on Craig. Look at the tactics and note the date. i.imgur.com/nmzFekK.jpg
  4. The thought that charlotte is a conspiracy is a far bigger leap than what seems to have gone on.
  5. Who knows what face to face or calls went on in-between... "Chris" may have been playing to his audience to get the gig. Much like Green.
  6. What's tiresome , and bizarre , is that even now it is the "nothing to see Declan" line you peddle.
  7. Tedi, there has been not one denial from any of the parties involved in the tapes and emails..... Everything screams "authentic". Most obvious party would be your media guru, but he has been very very quiet of late.
  8. ? So who brought religion into it? You were the first to mention it. So your views on suggested intimidation of hmrc officials.....
  9. Who said it was an issue ? The "issue" is intimidation of hmrc officials through a compliant media. Why bring religion into it tedi ?
  10. It is the follow-up that will do him, suggesting leaking the photos to an editor smacks of intimidation . Oh, and check mythology for one meaning of aegis. A shield for Zeus......
  11. Jack Irvine will be awaiting the knock from the coppers Charlotte Fakeovers @CharlotteFakes 13m Gross intimidation (2/2) 3 i.imgur.com/brSGrkY.jpg 4 i.imgur.com/xd1l811.jpg 5 i.imgur.com/iKVmGhI.jpg 6 i.imgur.com/qr84uCt.jpg Charlotte Fakeovers @CharlotteFakes 14m Gross intimidation and leaks when it suits. (1/2) 1 i.imgur.com/SjSgKqH.jpg and 2 i.imgur.com/RvlCZkl.jpg 3 i.imgur.com/brSGrkY.jpg
  12. Implications of granting them a licence to which they were not entitled... I know it Celtic biased, but as the guy points out in the last sentence, it is pertinent to more than us.
  13. Yet you spend every ounce of your soul in defence of a dead club? Takes all sorts....
  14. Sfa colluded to get them license for Europe in 2011 Media in their pockets. Dave King is toxic but hey, that can be overcome. And note the "a/ good that all the witnesses are dead" part
  15. Fishing - technically my work Photography - snap away on occasion Watercolours - get tae Gardening - need a house Anyhoo, the "authorities", Apache, will do nowt. The Regan revelations today reinforce they colluded, so no fairness expected from them. At the end of today, nothing has changed. Fine. They are still dead.
  16. And if tedi isn't out driving a taxi, *everyone else on here seems too* what would LNS make of wee craigy telling Stockbridge that all the EBTS were contractual and they all had side letters.
  17. The day gets better..... Charlotte Fakeovers ‏@CharlotteFakes Agreed addition to the RFC players bonus pot 2010-11, never sent to the SPL according to the final sentence. http://www.scribd.com/doc/146532260/Hidden-Bonus-Payments-Season-2010-11 And.... Charlotte Fakeovers ‏@CharlotteFakes Media House and Hay McKerron - your days are over. I think I'll start with you Jack. Time to take your own medicine. #FreeTheMSM
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