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Everything posted by wunfellaff

  1. A Soldiers Song maybe...... and selective? That's why I mentioned 2 wars that have started at football . Arkan wasn't a football fan then ? Ffs, wrk, this isn't "dim and distant past" stuff. My parents were 'just' about there for Croke Park, and the other two are less than 30 years ago. I would never countenance what the buns sing, I would defend their right to sing it. Might chuck a bottle or two though
  2. And weren't wars started at/over footie matches in el Salvador and Bosnia ?
  3. Hmmm, well why did the RIC waltz into Croke Park in 'one' of the earlier Bloody Sundays and let rip at the crowd ? Cos they were there to watch the (gaelic) footie? No because of their implied politics. The wide-o Cairo Gang had been killed earlier that day and the RIC took a political revenge. At a football ground.
  4. You can't get 40,50,60,70 thousand in a church hall though......and if in an open area they usually were told to disperse under the Riot Act.
  5. Take both of these together....... Less than a hundred years ago, the football stadium was the ONLY place one could gather in numbers for some people. Might not like the buns attitude, but they have a right to be 'political' at a football stadium.
  6. If I am waffle, that makes you blue waffle.I think I have seen your picture, get it sorted son. Seriously. Penicillin.
  7. The joint bun statement I got emailed (as a devoted poster on follow follow) is hilarious... All "watp" and bluster, ending with "no option but review our options" http://www.therst.co.uk/walter-must-stay-on-the-board/
  8. ? My my. So, on a football thread......as you told me to ask you here. Views on the little retard buns flag on the state sanctioned murders in gibralter ? Would have thought original thread more appropriate myself...
  9. The seethe on the swamp over the bdo stuff is making me leak a little...... Faaaaaaaannnntasssstic
  10. I was on Kds for a fortnight 6 months ago......I thought it was full of buns... Now which one are you........?
  11. Kds is a Celtic forum where you can't say "shampoo". Well, actually, shampoo is all you can say. Meanwhile, the swamp wonders if they are the biggest team (note, not 'club') never to have won the biggie. The op sets the tone.. It is posts like that which means there will always be an interest/obsession/hatred for a lotta folk.
  12. Swamp in uproar over platini article in the Mail .... Delicious reading...
  13. Bunnet, their fields may not be that highly thought of... Did you really really think there would be any other outcome ? Any other verdict would mean you supported 3 clubs in 3 years.
  14. Tales of Greek hitme n and oodles of lucre in the latest from charlotte ....
  15. "may" ? As in "may I have another 2 litre tub of vanilla please".... Edit and it was bunnet (works on so many levels ) that pointed us to WV's photos.....deride him.
  16. Sauramon the Whyte ? Return of the King ? They all want to get to the Shire? One five way agreement to bind them all ?
  17. Unexpected journey.... There and back again, a buns tale.. Fraudo Baggins ?
  18. Is he the one that took the photo of the wee blond piggy in the naval uniform wae her tongue out at the dignified remembrance ? I'll pass if they're all like that.
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