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Everything posted by wunfellaff

  1. We are talking about the ibrox boardroom here, why do you think "best practice" is involved? So, no, he doesn't "need" to be non exec.
  2. The utter insanity that is Leggo, goes off the Churchillian scale today. Utter bonkers.
  3. Question.... Why does a company with a multimillion worldwide fan base, get away with a non executive chairman? I know he doesn't have the experience for the full time version, but he doesn't have the experience for the non exec either. MM was a non exec as well. Not a very important role it would seem.....
  4. Haven't read it since yesterday , but didn't it go on to say they had to give up the right to the prize monies ?
  5. AIM....... Anybody got an idea about how strict they are on clubs, sorry, companies , leaking sensitive information to the press afore they let the Market know? Not the first time either.
  6. No "bank" debt Timmy........ Wonder when this 'non exec' chairman gets a swatch at the bank statement then ?
  7. The Records story has forced their hand... Board Change Thu, 30th May 2013 15:13 RNS Number : 9287F Rangers Int. Football Club PLC 30 May 2013 ? 30 May 2013 Rangers International Football Club plc ("Rangers", the "Company" or "Club") Board Change The Rangers International Football Club plc today announced that Walter Smith has been appointed Non-Executive Chairman of the Board. Walter Smith is widely acknowledged as the Club's most successful manager. Under his leadership, the Club enjoyed two immensely productive spells and he is one of the most highly regarded figures in British football. He succeeds Malcolm Murray, who agreed to step down as chairman, and Walter Smith's appointment was a unanimous decision of the Board. The Board believes that the new chairman will bring stability, experience and a wealth of knowledge to the Club. For further information please contact: Rangers International Football Club plc www.rangers.co.uk Craig Mather, CEO Brian Stockbridge, FD Tel: 0141 580 8647 Cenkos Securities plc Tel: 020 7397 8900 Stephen Keys, Adrian Hargrave, Max Hartley (Corporate Finance) Russell Kerr (Corporate Broking) Newgate Threadneedle Tel: 020 7148 6143 Graham Herring / John Coles / Roddy Watt / Fiona Conroy
  8. Nutshell..... Right. Away to spend lunchtime in the swamps thread on Walter . Gonna lay into any dissenting posters with cries of "Declan" and I'll remember to through in an occasional "dignified". And maybe the odd "brogue"
  9. Was referring to the clientele..... Seriously though. Wattie has zero experience for this. Used as a figurehead , aye, but Chairman?
  10. They are so fecked From running a couple of seedy pubs, to being at the helm at the Titanic 2, leading a global institution with 500 Million Bears. Now this 'is' a 'tic dream.
  11. Bit strong. If you think "two cheeks'' you are deluded. I want them fuckin DEAD.
  12. My point re Croke was that it was the perceived politically of the attendees that made it a target. Chile? Look for Rous as in Stanley , and pre world cup tour. Absolutely disgusting by us
  13. I already gave the gaelic games....sure the red clydesiders met at sports ground and defo white city was in London..... Chile is as big a shame on Scotland as Berlin to England.
  14. he was indeed...... But as an aside, just now is a perfect time to say politically people gather in football grounds. capitalism means the teams with the most cash garner the best players, wins the most tournies, makes the most cash, buys the best players. so to go to a ground is to support that venture capitalism in a way.
  15. Nope. No interest. Poor bun baiting Though the one thing missed of late is a soundtrack. Have this mash. It works..... http://www.mashup-charts.com/black-rebel-motorcycle-club-vs-basement-jaxx-whatever-happend-to-my-head/
  16. And to Youngsy part 2. Hardly get more political at football than my signature........
  17. Barcelona and Real Madrid......one of them by law of their crown cannot go bust... sound familiar? Oooh 1 nil ROI, go fuckin on. Youngsy, far from the free state , plenty of countries refused free association around a hundred years ago. Revolutions in Mexico, Russia etc etc etc meant the only place for a mass (sorry) assembly was a sports ground.
  18. Sigh.... Right, what about the 3rd and 4th best teams in Europe ? Tell me either ain't political and I will swoon.
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