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Everything posted by TheFalkirkBairn

  1. Looking at his wiki, he’s just signed for us today and he’s already only 2 appearances away from 100 in the Navy Blue. That’s some effort. A legend in the making!
  2. I felt exactly the same at the end of last season FWIW. Myself, my friend and our dads have sat in the same seats since the stadium opened and have been there through thick and thin. But the feeling I was left with at the end of last season was just being knackered with it all. All of us agreed it was the hardest renewal yet and if things didn't improve we'd probably give up. It just wasn't a fun way to spend a Saturday anymore. Obviously it's been outstanding this season. But after the Airdrie game I was just done in, I couldn't go through yet more turgid seasons filled with disappointment. Enough was enough. All I can say is that I'm so very glad that McGlynn and the lads have turned it all around.
  3. It’s this I think? https://montrosefc.ticketco.events/uk/en/m/e/montrosefc_v_falkirkfc
  4. I agree. We want someone who’s going to challenge Nesbitt for the position. Oliver has been fantastic as an impact sub this season but if he’s not a starter in league 1 he’s not going to be a starter in the championship. We should let him go with best wishes.
  5. Totally agree with this. I’ve been banging on about it for ages. If you can’t definitively disprove the onfield decision without a half hour consult with a fucking physicist, then let whatever the ref decided stand. Or bring them over to the monitor and let them see why the VAR thinks they might be wrong. In principal I’m all for VAR. But I think we can all agree that current implementation is utter shite.
  6. No. Fucking. Way. This second half has been incredible.
  7. Heading to BTW for a pre match pint for the first time in years. They still do the bus down to the ground right? What time does it leave? I’m sure this gets asked every week apologies!
  8. When you watch the last few minutes of the Only Accies podcast, the reaction to the Montrose equaliser and full time is like a carbon copy of us from years gone by. It takes me right back to so many games at the Falkirk stadium over the last 3/4 years. It’s great to see
  9. Agree with this. I found our highlights unwatchable on a TV due to the dropped frames/frame rate. It’s really noticeable for Henderson’s cross field ball in the build up to our first goal. The ball judders through the air. It’s difficult to criticise when it’s a volunteer providing their time for free. The quality of the edit is excellent each week. But the quality of the picture has been poor, especially recently.
  10. *shrug* Maybe? https://bettermeddle.org.uk/museum/story1.php
  11. Great pod as always lads, but I could’ve done without John screaming “BRAD MCKAY” out of nowhere around the 47 minute mark. Just about shat myself.
  12. Maybe I’ve made this up, but I seem to remember a Hibs fan in the main stand running down the steps to tell the Hibs bench who then grassed O’Donnell up to the ref. Does anyone else remember this or was it just a fever dream?
  13. That is absolutely abysmal defending. The amount of stupid mistakes like that across the tournament has been shocking.
  14. It’s very weird. Cowen seems to just start shouting every time England get anywhere within 30 yards of goal.
  15. Mid way through the 2nd game of the season and we’re already baying for blood. Honest tae christ, get a grip. 4 points on the board, +3 goal difference and we’ve taken a point away from home against a team likely to be a promotion rival. All in all a decent start to the season. There’s 34 games left lads. It’s gonna be a long old season if we want the manager sacked every time it’s 0-0 at half time or we go a goal down in a game.
  16. This? Only watched the first minute myself. It’s actually worse than I remember.
  17. Stevie Lovell took us to court for this exact reason. He'd played the amount of games to take up an extension but fucked off after Eddie May decided to go with the scorched earth approach to football management. Problem was Lovell was supposed to have taken up the option of an extension while he was still under contract. Instead he tried to claim we owed him a contract much later after he'd fallen out with May.
  18. Neil Scally was his assistant at Partick. He said on one of the podcasts that him and Ian were placed on gardening leaving and unable to to speak to anyone until the summer IIRC. So both probably now available. Whether they’d want it is another question entirely.
  19. Was genuinely looking forward to going to the game. It’s only 5 minutes along the road from me. £18?!? Get in the bin with that. I’ll spend the afternoon at the fringe instead. At least I can have a pint during a show!
  20. Fairly certain Hamilton paid a fee for Darren Hill making him the biggest signing in the SPL this year so far (unless Celtic have spent money now)
  21. Looked to me like the first half would be out line up against the likes of Rangers, Hibs and Hearts whereas the second half more attacking possibly the line up against the rest of the league. Wouldn't surprise me if we don't get any more signings in now but maybe go for a couple last minute loan signings. Looks to be the way we're going seeing as we've had no more trialists.
  22. I would have thought that could be too late? If we go up through the playoffs it'd be the 25th of May before we know what league we'd be in next season. By that time other clubs could have come in for some of the guys worth keeping.
  23. Clicky Starts a 1:43. The pitch is awful but the goal is orgasmic.
  24. I was speaking about this with a few Rangers fans at work and they've said the exact same about their young players. A lot of the younger players up here just don't seem to give a shit. If you follow any of them on twitter etc it's constant tweets about Nandos/McDonald or playing FIFA and GTA. I don't think you'd ever see the likes of Wilshire, Ronaldo, Messi etc out on a Sunday night for a burger and chips. You could argue that comparison is a bit unfair as they're at the top of the game but surely if you're a professional footballer at any level these days you've got to a least give a bit of shit when it comes to fitness.
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