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Glen Sannox

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Everything posted by Glen Sannox

  1. Just when you thought Shetland had the worst acting ever….along comes Rebus.
  2. Clarke is thoroughly unlikable. He plays on that “miserable c##t” persona.
  3. It was more the Radio Scotland response. Willie Miller, Neil McCann and Leanne Chrighton (whoever she is). I never disputed it was a poor challenge, but the Radio Scotland outrage just reminds me of when they hung out to dry, the foreign Hearts player who dived against Scotland. They would not have the nerve to challenge a player with OF connections.
  4. If Porteous had any Old Firm connections, there would be no witch hunt from the Scottish media. They should hang their heads in shame, not Porteous. A young lad playing in the opening game of a major tournament with adrenaline pumping and a shambles all around him, makes a rash challenge! Big deal! Scotland are utter pony and would have got pumped regardless of his actions.
  5. I would just be happy to stop losing to Hearts. Nothing else matters.
  6. If you want an expert analysis on Foley’s intentions, I would steer you to Hibs.net. That’s where the real experts post. You’ll remember only too well how spot on they were with the demise of Romanov’s tenure. Bulldozers, flats etc etc. you could even pay money to a poster called Sergei to get inside information on Hearts potentially ceasing to exist.
  7. I didn’t realise that Finland was banned completely. Seems harsh.
  8. And these Celtic types think that there’s some sort of Masonic conspiracy against them! If that’s not a goal for Rangers, then the game is fu”””d.
  9. It may well not be the end of the Indy movement, but it’s certainly the end of independence being a realistic proposition anytime soon.
  10. Watching that cringefest, I think it’s pretty safe to say that, Indy is well and truly dead in the water.
  11. It’s maybe a generational thing, that said, I’m not so sure it’s miles off the mark.
  12. At odds with the will of the parliament, yes. At odds with the Scottish electorate, I’m not so sure.
  13. Kate Forbes leadership bid in tatters because she was honest about her beliefs!
  14. But I thought these “left leaning” types were all for rehabilitation and giving people a second chance.
  15. She would be my first choice also, as that would resign the SNP/Indy movement to the annals of history.
  16. I’ve reported the hacking of my account, normal service will be resumed shortly.
  17. Hate is far too strong a word. I certainly don’t like them. I have a lot of respect for Nicola Sturgeon and her work ethic. I can’t believe she lasted as long as she did given the abhorrent abuse she gets subjected to. I’ll continue to “not like” them but definitely not hate! I’ll save that for the Old Firm.
  18. I heard Ruth Wishart on R4 earlier voicing concerns about Kate Forbes being a member of the Free Church. Can you imagine the furore if a commentator voiced concerns about a potential candidate being a member of the Catholic Church. You would never hear the end of it. Kate Forbes is a thoroughly decent person with principles, which to be fair, probably rules her out. The priggish Angus Robertson, I would imagine will be favourite. If the talented Nicola can’t deliver Indy, he’s got no chance.
  19. Sacking Jack Ross was not remotely harsh. The St Johnstone cup final was itself a sackable offence, before you take into account all his other disasters. As for this latest clown, he should have been sacked before the World Cup break.
  20. If you thought the acting in Shetland was bad, this takes it to a different level of bad.
  21. Just let the “sleeve tattoo Darryls and Caidens” watch professional weegie plagiarists like Kevin Bridges and Frankie Boyle do their stuff, and leave us in peace to watch what we think is amusing.
  22. So because you think he’s chronic, nobody else should get to see him. What is acceptable to say on stage?
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