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Everything posted by Beachbum

  1. This is what we get when the season has started but there's no football for us this weekend. Hate this League Cup.
  2. Raith going in right direction despite defeats - FFP. Smith also confirmed that Raith are continuing to monitor free agent Kevin McHattie but the left back, who was released at the end of last season, is currently struggling with injury. “We’re still speaking to Kevin, but he’s got a wee knock at the moment,” he said. “He just needs to make sure he recovers from that knock before we put pen to paper. “With such a tight squad we can’t afford to be carrying players.”
  3. This business of leaving Murray at left back because he's done fine there so far and signing a centre half to play beside Bene is not sound thinking. What happens if Murray gets injured? Who's going to play left back then? Are we going to stick Benedictus out there again or play Jason Thomson there? Far better to sign a recognised left back and get on with it. A fit McHattie would do me just fine.
  4. I would doubt that. He's been out for a year and other clubs will be well aware of that.
  5. Did McHattie not have an operation during the early summer and Rovers are waiting for him to recover fully from that before making a decision?
  6. Even if Sim spent millions of pounds he wouldn't turn that white elephant around. Given Sim's background, you get the feeling that he won't throw good money after bad; he worships the dollar after all. And yet he came up with that idea about a synthetic pitch and it was clear that the man had been away from the town for decades. He really needs to talk to people who live in Kirkcaldy before coming up with any more hair brained schemes. Just as long as he doesn't speak to Zico.
  7. On Sky Sports News that Thorsen and Osei have re-signed for Falkirk.
  8. Is it f**k. ETA So you're the RRFC Updater who keeps spelling Buchanan's name wrongly.
  9. Raith Rovers Trialist, Thomson, Callachan, Murray, Benedictus, Spence, Robertson, Buchanan, Vaughan, Barr, Davidson. Subs, Lennox, Matthews, McKay, Court, Berry, Trialist, Trialist. Dunfermline Athletic, Murdoch, Williamson, M'Voto, Morris, Martin, Splaine, Wedderburn, Cardle, McManus, Paton, Higginbotham. Subs, Gill, Ashcroft, Morrison, Duthie, Lochead, Smith, Luke.
  10. Substitute Trialist 20 has morphed into 21 James Berry.
  11. v Edinburgh City 1 Lennox, 6 Benedictus, 14 Davidson, 5 Murray, 3 Trialist, 8 Robertson, 12 Matthews, 2 Trialist, 11 Barr, 9 Buchanan, 10 Vaughan. Subs, 17 Trialist GK, 4 Callachan, 7 Spence, 16 Court, 15 Trialist, 20 Trialist, 18 McKay.
  12. It wasn't because of an interest in football or Raith Rovers that he turned up at Stark's Park.
  13. This morning's exclusive in the FFP. Just to be clear, John Sim is not a lifelong Rovers' supporter. To the best of my knowledge he has never shown any interest in football or any team in particular. Mind you, the same could be said about Gordon Broon.
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