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Everything posted by Beachbum

  1. And knowing Drysdale it'll mean we'll be paying Rangers.
  2. I'd love to see the railway stand reopened as a seated stand. It has the best view of the pitch in the whole ground and was another crass move on the part of the board when it was closed. Regarding a safe standing area, you could easily have one in the acres of space in front of the main stand.
  3. The present board have been trying for some years to get the ownership of Stark's Park returned to the football club. The reason this hasn't happened is down to one man - John Sim. Every director, including the late Turnbull Hutton, has found him to be quite intractable. Sim's vision for Raith Rovers is that they should be a junior club, so moving to Glenrothes would fit in quite well with this. At the start of every season the board go out of their way to give the manager as big a budget as they possibly can. Sim has, for some time, wanted to do the exact opposite. Indeed he wants to play all of the U20s to save some money. All of the above makes me appear to be very pro board or even a board member. I can assure you I'm not. But I am totally against John Sim having any more influence at Stark's Park.
  4. Prepare for no investment. Prepare to be the next Clyde, Airdrie, Clydebank, Third Lanark. I really don't get his involvement in Rovers. He has no interest in Rovers, he's not even a football fan. Add to that the fact that he's extremely difficult to deal with and I can see only dark, dark days ahead.
  5. If he's been injured I'm prepared to cut him some slack. Look at the difference in a half fit/fully fit Jason Thomson last season.
  6. McHattie may be re-signing - today's Courier. Jason Thomson and Aaron Lennox have also signed but still nothing on the official site.
  7. I do believe that Turnbull's wife won't let Sim anywhere near the shares. Trouble is Sim wants a controlling interest at Stark's and has also talked to Mario. If Mario feels it's the time to sell I truly hope it's to Penman, because if it's to Sim the budget will be reduced to almost nil. Dangerous times ahead.
  8. Penksa has been removed from the players' page on the official site.
  9. Their stands behind the goals are smaller than ours, assuming that's the goals he aims at.
  10. Bit like the director who regularly slagged off the fans.
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