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Everything posted by Beachbum

  1. Michael Mullen played for Stranraer around that time and also played for Queen of the South and Stirling Albion but not Rovers.
  2. Download Zenmate or get it as an extension on Google Chrome. The game's here.
  3. You'll be wasting your time. Hardie plays for Roath Ravers.
  4. Hibs will lie down to either Falkirk or ourselves because their priority will be the Scottish Cup.
  5. It's no coincidence that our good run started with the 2-2 draw at Falkirk when Thomson returned as a substitute. The following week Barr played the whole game in a 2-0 win over Livingston and both have played in every game since then. The return of these two in defence, more than any other factor, is the reason we are where we are today. Barr is the single most important signing we must make before the season ends.
  6. Alba knocked 2 or 3 thousand off the recent game v Hibs, so yes it would have an effect. But we're going up to the Premiership so maybe it won't matter after all. Seriously though, Alba should be showing Peterhead v Annan and the like, where their presence doesn't matter.
  7. There's another year of BBC Alba's contract still to run. With Dunfermline coming up next season you can bet that of the two visits Alba are allowed to make to Stark's Park one will be the Pars' game, further hitting our already miniscule budget.
  8. Also the Livingston game on the last day has been moved to the Sunday. ETA With season ticket renewals due next month I'll bet there are a few fans (myself included) who might think twice about renewing when this nonsense is going on.
  9. Agreed ETA Lewis subbed after completing a successful first outing since the start of the season. 1-1after 60 minutes.
  10. It's highly likely that Cuthbert, McKeown, Connoly and Barr have all been offered new deals. It's also highly likely that they've turned them down to a man. It can't be coincidental that Eric's been going on about low attendances and the lowest budget in the league. I hope I'm wrong.
  11. It's going to be an awkward situation meeting Falkirk in a play off if Craigen, Cuthbert and McKeown are all Falkirk bound.
  12. Regarding Robertson, I've had his injury - the torn adductor muscle. I can tell you it's bloody painful and prevents all twisting and turning in the early stages. Who knows, he might do a Brian Graham and come out of it all the stronger.
  13. That simplifies things - only Cuthbert, McKeown, Connolly and Barr left.
  14. Correct. March 10th 2016: More player news expected to follow at 7pm.
  15. Kevin Cuthbert in today's Courier: “I have spoken to the manager a couple of times briefly. “When it comes to getting something sorted out, we will get it sorted out. “At the minute, it is not something that is happening just now.
  16. If Dunfermline had been languishing in the the Championship for years instead of masquerading as a top level club they'd have nowhere near the number of season ticket holders they presently have. Also, I find it offensive when a club that has cheated for so long is held up as something to aspire to. It's worth noting that Masterton complained regularly about the poor support Dunfermline attracted during their years in the top flight.
  17. So how does Anderson fit in? He's a university graduate. How about Dave McGurn - college lecturer. Or Ryan McCord - he's got the entrance requirements to get in to university.
  18. Article in today's Courier about injury problems for Mark Stewart.
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