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Posts posted by expatowner

  1. I think some folk have over inflated the scale of this covid problem.  Lets remember:

    There are approximately 7-8 BILLION people on the planet (slowly increasing in recent years)

    Death totals in recent times have been approximately 57 MILLION per year (slowly increasing but not as fast as births)

    Deaths being attributed to Covid Virus are currently reported as approximately 300 THOUSAND (say 1 million by the end of the year now that South America and Africa have joined the race).  A graph showing year by year global deaths will hardly show an upward blip.  

    Its sad that anybody is taken by this virus before their time, but remember that many of the deceased had serious underlying health issues and did not have long life expectancy.


    Past pandemics would laugh in the face of this recent Chinese import.

    Yer gonna die, live life to the fullest, love yer family and football team.

  2. Think the graphs in the financial times are the closest you get to that (think they've already been posted on this thread). If you look at their coronavirus tracked page: https://www.ft.com/content/a26fbf7e-48f8-11ea-aeb3-955839e06441 the second and third graphs on that page give indications of the excess mortality from Covid-19.

    Thanks for that interesting page but it doesn’t give me what I’m looking for:
    Average global (all) deaths from say the last 5 years that might, or might not, show a Corona blip.
  3. 15 hours ago, cas79 said:
    22 hours ago, expatowner said:
    "There are 390 golf clubs in New Zealand which places the country second in the world for the number of course per capita for the population of 4 million so getting on the tee is never a problem. Only Scotland with 543 courses for 5 million people has more golf courses per capita."  
    I've been resident here in New Zealand 8 years (now retired) and have just bought a motorhome and persuaded my partner to take a year off her work. 
    So we should start in July with the aim of doing as many different courses as we can in a year.  
    Can't wait to get started.  emoji2956.png

    You should start a blog of some type, i would love to see some of the courses you play and your options of them too

    I've been thinking about doing something like a blog.  I'm so darn lazy that Facebook will probably be where I chuck stuff.

  4. "There are 390 golf clubs in New Zealand which places the country second in the world for the number of course per capita for the population of 4 million so getting on the tee is never a problem. Only Scotland with 543 courses for 5 million people has more golf courses per capita."  

    I've been resident here in New Zealand 8 years (now retired) and have just bought a motorhome and persuaded my partner to take a year off her work. 

    So we should start in July with the aim of doing as many different courses as we can in a year.  

    Can't wait to get started.  🤩

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