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Posts posted by expatowner

  1. You appear to have missed the word "recorded" before "cases".
    You're not alone in this, but all these graphs do nothing more than reinforce Mark Twain's*  statement about statistics.
    I am looking around me day to day, and I am seeing firsthand the effects of our nation's ill-preparedness for this situation*, and their horribly reactive response throughout the crisis. I am also hearing from friends in the NHS who are walking shells, frazzled beyond emotional reponse by the conditions they're working in. I am seeing the shortening of tempers, the paranoia and suspicion in the supermarkets, the lessening of patience with children after weeks of lockdown. I am thankfully not seeing, but am sadly perfectly willing to believe the massive rises in domestic and child abuse. God alone knows the scale of the MH crisis we are building up.
    This shitstorm is a long, long way from ending. People are dying, and will continue to die, because the elected Government of this country are absolutely fucking incompetent.
    People are dying, and will continue to die, because that Government is beholden, not to the people, but to commercial enterprise.
    People are dying, and will continue to die, because this country decided it was a good idea to hand over the care of our most vulnerable people to profiteers.
    People are dying, and will continue to die, because they have abdicated their reponsibility to think for themselves and will blindly follow tablooid stories.
    People are dying, and will continue to die, because they believe that restrictions and guidelines are for other people.
    People, entirely innocent people, are dying and will continue to die depite following all guidelines because of all the above.
    Still, good old Boris has another b*****d, the EPL are planning to restart and at least one old fucker made it to 100, eh? Rule fucking Britannia!
    *Some disagreements over the origin of the quote, but I like Twain.

    You need to get out more.
  2. I've been voting for the snp and the greens since 2003, and I've signed up for the common weal volunteer thing they're launching. Calm yourself doon.

    The issue of Scottish independence remains in the balance as sturgeon (rightly) won't gamble on a second referendum until she's pretty confident of winning. In that respect the issue is on the backburner until the polls in favour shift, and i fear there are plenty of died in the wool unionists so it'll take time.

    Consequently, we have a Westminster tory government that i would like to see the back of. The new Labour leader is yet to fully commit to anything to avoid looking like he's taking advantage of a national crisis. But they have to go hard on this issue at some point - and surely to f**k the English public will listen (once the dust settles on the 'let's pull together British spirit').

    She also has to wait until Eck has tried to strong arm his way back up the pecking order.
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