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Ro Sham Bo

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Everything posted by Ro Sham Bo

  1. I see Turnbull Hutton is trotting out the old "keyboard warriors" line in the press again today. Huttons logic seems to be that because McGlynn likes to chip in with a bit of DIY at the club that he is beyond reproach. I'd rather he spent a bit more time drilling the basics such as set pieces and shooting into the players and less time painting the ceiling in the kit room or whatever. Despite what he's done for us he's not above cricitism and he's deservedly taking a bit of flak just now. Despite this, and the results of the fantalk poll, I've still to hear a single call for him to go actually at a match.
  2. Is McGlynn's contract up at the end of this season? I can't help wondering if he might end up walking away from it all anyway. If things keep going the way they are he may decide the best chance of salvaging his managerial reputation would be to jump before he ends up getting pushed further down the line. Personally I agree getting rid of him would be a huge, huge risk. I've no doubt there are potential managers out there who could galvanise us so that we kick on and establish ourselves in division 1, but there are probably a lot more who would have us stumbling around the foot of division 2 in no time at all. I just hope that he tries something different soon. Whether that's shaking up the starting eleven, bringing on subs before we go a goal down, trying out a 4-3-3, 3-5-2 or whatever. I'm sure we would all be a bit more lenient if he at least seemed to be trying to do something about our form.
  3. Lets face it, if we by some miracle had the ability to pick and choose which games to win we'd be unbeaten at home and lose all our away games.
  4. There's been many a time when I've questioned the wisdom of Davidson bouncing straight back into the starting 11 but the point above about Falkirks inexperience is a good one and I'd probably put Thomson back on the bench, harsh as that is.
  5. I notice Andy McNeil has signed for Livingston. He's done well to secure another full-time contract.
  6. Signing a striker who can't get a game for the team that went about 2 months without scoring a goal last season doesn't fill me with much hope.
  7. We really need a right back and a forward. However it seems as though that's unlikely because I think McGlynn had said he was after 2 players, one of whom is presumably Hamill. In that case I'd rather we prioritised right back because I don't fancy a whole season of Murray being first choice right back for us.
  8. There's not been much success with our youth team since the Calderon era but in the years before that we sold Derek Niven and Dene and Paul Shields all for more money than we managed to get for the Livi 3. Amazing business considering they'd contributed virtually nothing to the 1st team. Did we not also get money from Hibs for Kevin Nicol?
  9. It looks like the only deal we're striking with Jeffries is punting any half decent youth player their way. Another one away to Hearts today.
  10. I see that as expected Kevin Smith has been released by Notts County. I don't suppose he'd be willing to take a massive drop in wages to come back to his spiritual home.......
  11. I think the pre contract signings were announced by the end of May last season. I would imagine we'll announce who is being released next week.
  12. The general consus on there seems to be the polar opposite of what the Falkirk forum is saying. I suppose the fact he hasn't slagged off the Hibs support might be a factor in that.
  13. Defensively in particular we look like nervous wrecks just now. Even though the majority of the side that steamrolled its way to the 2nd division title win are still with us the prize this time is huge and it appears to be taking its toll on us. If we can't conquer that I can't see how we can win the title. At least the Ronnie Coyle match on Sunday will be a chance to relax and enjoy a game for once!
  14. Dougie Hill off out on loan to Brechin for a month. Good move.
  15. Definitely Smith if we were in a position to choose. I doubt we are though so I'd be happy enough with Wales coming back.
  16. Wales in and Weir out sounds better to me. Mole might have his faults but he offers us miles more than Weir can at this level.
  17. An outsiders perspective of our derby win on Saturday from ex ref Jeff Winter here: http://www.jeffwinterentertainmentandmedia.co.uk/world/0910007.php Interesting to note he picked out Baird and Tade as our star men.
  18. Baird should be no 1 penalty taker, then Williamson and Weir as back up. Although these three have all missed penalties for us they all look reasonably competent and I would fancy them to score more often than not. The problem is none of these three were on the pitch last night. Despite this almost everyone in the crowd knew Tade would miss last night so I'm sure the senior players and management must've had an inkling as well. Someone should've took the ball off him and given responsibility to someone else eg Ferry or Mole
  19. There is an interview with McBride in the Courier today. http://www.thecourier.co.uk/output/2010/06/15/sportstory15222706t0.asp
  20. The signing of McBride is now confirmed http://www.raithroversfc.com/cgi-bin/latestnews.cgi?id=3363
  21. We would certainly need another body on the left hand side if Smith left. Ferry, Williamson and Tade (at a push) could probably all play there but I wouldn't say any of them would be ideal for that position. Possibly McGlynn intends to play Willie Dyer in midfield with Eliis behind him next season?
  22. It is probable that John Drysdale is self employed and trades as John Drysdale Consulting. This would explain why there is no info regarding the business on Companies House.
  23. McGlynn refuses to rule out a move for Kenny Deuchar. http://www.thecourier.co.uk/output/2010/05/25/sportstory15115083t0.asp
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