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L. Brilliant

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Posts posted by L. Brilliant

  1. Eric is on here and in the paper as good as begging more folk to come along and support the club and we appoint Locke, a man with the tack record of an imbecile, who lists his fucking primary school and beating Hibs once on his ACTUAL PROFESSIONAL AND PUBLIC CV.

    Genuinely, and I mean this, if he appoints Lee McCulloch into his backroom, I'll no be back until they're away.

    That's about the size of it for me

  2. I'm totally relaxed about whoever the manager is having previous failure in their CV - particularly in short timescales football managers have less control over events than many people (including them) often like to imagine, and failure can happen. The best ones will have learned from it.

    In any case the only ones who don't have that are either not available because they've moved on to a level above us, or they have no or very little experience. And I'm perfectly open to having someone without experience as well, but not just for the sake of it.

    ^^has read Soccernomics / Why England Lose imo ( I also agree)

    I have absolutely come around to a wildcard appointment. Anyone is a risk, so it might as well be an exciting one.

    I said Latapy because he's charismatic, has played at a very high level (Porto) but also knows Scotland - yet he hasn't done a solo gig to put himself out of our reach. He might be a clown but we'd get crowds in for a bit.

  3. Just seen someone call Callachan on of the best young midfielders in the league on fantalk, I don't know if I watch a different game each week but I don't think he's anything special. doesn't score much doesn't bring much defensively personally I would like to see Ross Matthews get more of a run around

    😂 that's wild eccentric trolling

    Matthews is good too though

  4. It directly affects me as a TH stand ST holder, but more so my dad as we sit there so he has fewer stairs to deal with while still being high enough to see the game well. At first I thought, What?? for all the fair reasons given above... but at these games you're surrounded by them anyway and, right or wrong, I can't stand being near them. So I'd maybe not even have gone anyway. Get the money in - if it's really worth it. I'm prepared to trust the board on this: I think the letter is a fairly decent approach and I'm choosing to believe it's honest and forthright.

    Do not spend the money on Scott Robertson (but thanks to the sponsor for helping get an international in - unlucky).

  5. Very glad to hear about Wighton. Just out of interest, I know he had a bit of a hard time when he arrived at Raith and didn't impress much but how has he developed over his spell so far?

    Daly is a very good player for him to work with I'd imagine so would be very happy for him to stay there and keep working away.

    There was some very big talk flying about before he arrived and it was impossible to live up to. I think folk have started to see what he offers, but some minds were already set against him. You know it is, folk want absolutes - you're pish or brilliant and that's it (even if you're 18). I hope he'll be staying on.

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