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L. Brilliant

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Posts posted by L. Brilliant

  1. Itching to read this thread but only halfway thru 14 the now. It's been a good one so far.

    Incidentally how is everyone watching? We finally upgraded our broadband thinking it was the slow speed making now tv stutter. Broadband is 85 mbps but it still glitches a wee bit.

  2. Rovers have goalie trouble and a defence that isn't totally solid or Davidsonless.
    We've got a front-heavy squad and aren't likely to rearrange to protect young goalie imo. East Fife at 10/3 is too big and >3.5 at 2/1 is also of interest.

  3. Predator (dvd)

    The wife is on maternity leave and amongst her many kind gifts were Terminators 1&2 and Predator 1&2 which she'd never - so that she can join in with the patter, apparently.
    Nice idea, and T1 is a middling but legit sci fi of sorts.
    Predator is just ridiculous dogshit though. Like, if your dug ate slugs all weekk dogshit. P2 might not get watched tbh

  4. That will never get an answer.

    I disagree that Celtic qualifying for CL is Bad For Scottish Football because 'Rangers' will either overstretch to compete, under mindless pressure from the fanbase, or fall so far behind that the fanbase loses interest / disowns the failing team. Either way the club that plays at Ibrox is (at the least) weakened. Celtic fans lose interest and eventually that club is weakened too. Meanwhile Aberdeen and Hearts open revolving hydraulic casino helipad megadromes and catch up a bit.

  5. Glenrothes is a cesspit. I'm always initially amazed at how many people from Kirkcaldy haven't been to Glenrothes, but then quickly remember why that's the case. Rovers get almost zero support from Glenrothes because it's rammed full of brain dead Rangers fans. An absolute shite hole with no redeeming features.

    I am going to sit you right down on the ground, guy
  6. Keep going with the exercise and chip away (no pun intended) with your diet e.g. gradually cut down the crap whilst introducing good things like green veg.  You'll get there in time and if you're not actually competing for anything there's no rush.  Have a look at high fat/high protein/low carb diets as well, tasty and good for cutting body fat if done the right way.

    I had very pleasing and pretty painless progress going down this route.

    Ditch potatoes. They are doing nothing for you.

    Peanut butter with no sugar eg meridian, nuts in general, cheese - dive in. Dinnae even count calories.

    Half the amount of bread you eat, you won't miss it.

    Avoid sugar especially early in the day - what it does to your appetite is arguably worse than the calories.

    Vodka soda if you need to booze. It's actually fine with a bit of lemon or lime.

    Metafit classes really beast calories off you - recommended.

  7. Just had a bairn so fallen behind, halfway through 8 and not seen 9. I like the atomic bomb plotline/ explanation. It's strangely exciting to see a Hugh Everett reference too - been Eels fans as long as we've been Lynch fans.
    Is Twin Peaks arguably sci fi now?

  8. Ross Callachan is the boy. Thomson has been a good captain imo - you always see him accept the ball and in tough situations he would always lead by doing his forwards-role ( forrit roll lol) and showing a positive example. Quiet leadership but definitely leadership. I doubt he's ever felt appreciated but there you go.
    Ross can lead in the same way and will react well to the responsibility i'm sure.

  9. We watched FWWM to fill the gap - it actually made slightly more sense after what we've seen of the Return. The scene in the club when the two young anes are getting mwi goes on a bit. Chet Desmond is som boy tho

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