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Posts posted by No_Problemo

  1. I think too much is being read into the rolling contract. Whether he was on that or a 2 year deal, Cameron has always said he wouldn’t stand in his way. It’s lower league Scottish football so it’s never going to be more than a 5 figure sum of compo. Very much doubt the figure we’ll get would change had he been on a “proper” contract.

    At the same time though, he’s Partick’s first choice (one of their other choices in Lennon isn’t interested) and they’re clearly desperate so we should at least be looking at a decent five figure sum.
  2. Still no announcement on the PTFC website, so there is still some work to be done I think. [The compensation package still has to be agreed]
    I noticed on the Ayr forum pages someone is expecting a figure of around £100,000.00!!! 

    Negotiating with a desperate team should make things easier..... we’ll probably f**k it up and get a pittance though.
  3. That's my point perfectly summed up.

    It's a Naismith who's more or less finished and currently playing for a mid table SPL side and a Russell who's plying his trade in a complete mickey mouse league full of has beens, never beens and college kids.


    Both are still far better players than Shankland.

    If Johnny Russell is playing in a Mickey Mouse league then what is Shankland playing in, bearing in mind he’s never played anywhere higher.


    Shankland should have taken the chance to move to a higher level, until he does he shouldn’t be in a squad.

  4. Hazard has more caps than the scotland backline on monday night altogether, 
    Cooper might well be a good centre half for the level he's at, but at his age he's woefully short of the required experience against better players to be able to step up and look decent in games like monday night, 
    Odonnell has 11 caps and he's 27, Scotland have struggled for a right back for years, where was he, what makes him good enough now when he wasnt good enough years gone by when scotland managers were using anya as a right back, he'll never be experienced enough at a high enough level to be the standard scotland need (wether he's good enough ability wise is another debate) 
    The scotland squad apart from a few is full of players who havent played at a high enough level against the likes of hazard etc to simply be thrown in at the latter stages of their careers and expected to perform

    Does Anya still play with Derby and ever get a game?!

    I would 100% play him over O’Donnell.
  5. I've been ridiculed for this up and down the forums, however when you look at the talent available in forward positions to Scotland (the likes of Naismith & Russell), there really is a serious argument for giving Shankland a call up. 
    Rest assured, that had he ended up at one of the bigot twins in the summer then he'd have been the first name on the team sheet..............

    Both Naismith and Russell are miles ahead of Shankland. At the moment Shankland can only dream of playing anywhere near the level they have.
  6. Will Snodgrass and Christie work back the way with the Belgian wing backs? Forrest was a no brainer tonight for that reason alone, never mind being one of our quicker, more creative and in form players.

    As well as him and Fraser being able to get in behind the wing backs with their pace as it’s one of very few ways for us to exploit them.

  7. Course they shouldn’t. It’s a perfectly reasonable familial attachment. Is a player better than currently available?

    I guess the argument is that Matt Phillips or whoever wasn’t raised by his grandparents, as far as we know. But to me, it doesn’t make any difference. The familial tie is still there.

    Yeah - that would be the argument and I guess it’s impossible to distinguish between the two, I think the rule is fine the way it is as it covers situations like this.

    Tbf both those scenarios would not be affected by the topic of this thread... Hutchison's father was Scottish - miner who moved coalfields IIRC - while kids growing up here would pass the 'schooling test'.

    Yeah I get that - was why I added in the bit about being born in England and staying in England with Scottish grandparents.
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