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Everything posted by Gordopolis

  1. Seems that Dembele played again today for our u16s as we beat England 2-0 http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-match-reports/scotland-u16s-2-england-u16s-10884769
  2. Nice goal too. Good on the lad for trying out his options. He certainly doesn't seem to have ruled anything out yet.
  3. Not exactly hitting the heights but if he gets an uninterrupted season of playing it's better than the current situation. It all feels a bit fragile though. Still think a clean break would be best.
  4. Yeah he's unnecessarily shackling himself by staying there. Cut the ties and head to a club where he's actually wanted.
  5. Sigh, to hear it just one last time... no, must move on
  6. Come on now MT, he's gone, let it go. You can't lure him back in with last-minute emotional blackmail proof reading. We're all suffering with broken hearts but there are plenty more fish in the sea. Just as we found a way to move on post-Dryhorce, so too, can we learn to live again PS (post-slayer)...
  7. Surprising*. My bears would have been out of the cot after the whole loan fiasco. *but says a lot about his mental strength (and my lack of it)
  8. I forgot how long Marshall's been around. Still only early 30s too.
  9. A lot have, but all? Really? I give you Kenny Miller.
  10. That wouldn't be weird at all
  11. Confirmed that RBL will be allowed to play in the Champions' League next year: http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/40348340
  12. You mark my words: Burger King will have their man.
  13. Whatever happens with Spurs or Leipzig, poor Oli will be busy flipping burgers come August. FINISHED!
  14. Hope he stays and cracks the Bundesliga too. But if he was to move to the EPL, Spurs would be about the right level of club - they play good football near the top of the league and are in the champions' league. And while it'd be a challenge for him to force his way into their starting XI, they're not quite in the Chelsea/Man City mould of having too many superstars in the first team already.
  15. Rumours that he's a target for Spurs now
  16. All his fault - dicking around up front instead of doing Zak Jules' job for him.
  17. Czechs equalise 1-1. Chaotic defending. Hope Burke falls off the stadium roof at the England game.
  18. On the stadium roof playing the bagpipes, surely?
  19. Arsing about in his tracky bottoms, no doubt.
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