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Everything posted by sydney

  1. Without looking it up, did Regan actually talk about social unrest ?! WTF. That's got naff all to do with the feckin SFA. What are these guys on FFS ?! Just apply the rules. Jesus wept. No wonder we are in meltdown.
  2. This might have been mentioned before, but the media seem to think that if Newco go into Div 1 they will only be out of the top flight for 1 season. I think they would struggle to get out of the 1st division next season. They've only a small squad so far, much of it inexperienced relatively speaking. If they started in Div 3, they would probably gain consecutive promotions back to the SPL, so 3 years out of the top flight instead of (in my view) 2years if they went to Div 1.
  3. Just this moment had a ph call from Bobby at R. T. Office. Telling me that both mine and my daughters tickets will not be renewed by direct debit. They will be in touch with me in the next 3 to 4 days with different payment methods. I asked him if it was a bank prob he kinds laughed and said he wasn't really allowed to discuss it. My seats will be reserved until the 27th of July. Told him that there was no problem I will be renewing no mater where we are. He said they hoped to have a pricing and payment structure out to me very soon. Sorry if this a repost of sorts just thought I would let yous know 0 Post on RM. Seems that newco Gers are still having problems with their banking facilities........
  4. Excellent. I'd love to hear that in a kind of music chart run down format. Big build up to the big f**k off. Does it for me.
  5. Might have already been covered but very funny incident when John Brown was asked a question about how they would fund the running of the club on a day to day basis if they were successful in gaining control from Green. Long silence, then Brown says something to the reporter along the lines of "you're a young man and you need to understand that these supporters will always get behind this club". In other words, I haven't a bloody clue, I haven't even thought that far ahead and wouldnt even know where to start anyway. Complete zoomer.
  6. Equis still does good ice cream. Scottish tablet ice cream is damn good. Can't compete with the wind n rain of a day out in Largs though. Can't beat the Scottish seaside. Will bring the wind breaks.
  7. I hope so. I'm struggling to keep up with the Euros and the Rangers situation. And Wimbledon and the Olympics are coming up. How can anyone be expected to juggle all that. Hurry up and kill them off and let us enjoy some fair sport (tongue firmly planted in cheek. I'm supporting big Olga the Russian synchronised swimming champion )
  8. After Green coming in to "save" the club, Smith et al come in to try to take over the new club. Here comes the next bitter battle, but this time over the new Rangers, not the old. I have to say that despite being rather suspicious of Greens intentions, I think Smith and Co have some front. Take no risk over the existing club, let someone else do all the dirty work, put the money up to start afresh, take all the flack and then jump in and try to take over by using the fans to apply pressure. Much as I can't understand Greens motivation, I can totally understand his reaction (basically piss off). Smith and Co seem to be as much a bunch of opportunists as everyone else associated with the club in recent times.
  9. I think Rangers may get a 12 month suspension from all competitions. Strangely, I think this may be to everyone's advantage. Bear with me (excuse the pun). Such a suspension might see off the vultures around the club. I see Mr Green and Co as vultures. Do they really give a toss about Rangers ? Of course they don't. They see an opportunity for the good of themselves. Rangers interests will be a poor second. So what will happen if all investors walk away ? Liquidation for sure ( most likely to happen anyway) and major assets on the open market. Ibrox is not suitable for development due to the listed main stand (Govan is not likely to be of interest to anyone looking to do what has been done at Highbury). Murray Park can't be sold for development. So most probably we will be left with a liquidated football club with physical assets which are worth very little in real terms. The opportunity therefore is for someone to purchase these assets at a low price (Best option would be Rangers fans fund with a guaranteed future say in the running of the club), a new RFC created and then apply for 3rd division after the years suspension is over. Sore for the fans, but think about it. A year out to sort out the shit. Then an undoubted year on year rise through the leagues given the resources available. I may have had a little too much to drink......
  10. The first part of your post is something I've read a few time and I guess this is what Green is hoping might happen. On the other hand, you may have read HMRC's own guidance on acceptance of CVAs and there are couple of things in particular which would be major stumbling blocks to this being agreed with HMRC: 1. They cannot accept a CVA if there is evidence of some creditors being favoured over others. This would mean that Hearts, Rapid Vienna et al would also need to accept 5p in the pound or whatever it turns out to be (the law is different in England where football debts are excluded so can be favoured I believe)- cue UEFA involvement if this happens. 2. They cannot accept a CVA if there is evidence of previous willful wrongdoing (eg. knowingly withholding tax payments). This is a bit more tricky as much of this was down to the current owner and with a new owner there could be an argument that this is being addressed. however, given that the SPL found that the club itself was guilty and others in the club had knowledge of what was going on, this may be difficult to swing. Tomorrow will clarify. I can see the HMRC reading the SPL and SFA judgements very closely. The other issue is that the HMRC may consider the "bigger picture" and decide that taking the risk of getting less under liquidation is much better in the long run as it will send out a powerful message to the rest of football in the UK. From an honest taxpayers viewpoint, I sincerely hope that this is what they do as what Green & Co seem to be trying to do is morally corrupt if nothing else and it truly hacks me off the way some already wealthy people seem to spend a heck of alot of effort to avoid paying taxes to the detriment of UK plc (ie. all of us). If they think they pay too much tax in the U, then f*ck off somewhere else. I feel sorry for the genuine Rangers fans in all of this. There's one thing that's certain- Green & Co are in this to make money, not because they want to own Rangers FC per se. Although I feel sorry for the genuine fans, I certainly don't feel sorry for Rangers FC Limited (or whatever the registered name is) as they have been as corrupt as f*ck and deserve what's coming to them. All will become clear in due course..... If I were a betting man, I'd say liquidation, new club and re-application to the league (which they will get). Whether that's the SPL or SFL remains to be seen. A few weeks ago, I'd have said it was odds on that it would be the SPL, but I sense a ever bigger growing groundswell of opinion (amongst not just most fans who have always been against direct entry to the SPL, but also alot of the media and also other clubs themselves who seem to be starting slowly to break rank and voice their opinions (eg. Dunfermline, Hibs)). If the SFA appeal upholds the original punishments tomorrow, we may see one or two more.
  11. A look at his most recent directorship is interesting. He was a director of formation Group plc which also David, Michael and Patrick Kennedy as directors. Wonder if they are related to Brian Kennedy And, this is brilliant, Michael Kennedy was a director of a company called Formation Employee Benefit Trust Limited. You just couldn't make it up.
  12. More importantly, note that KFC were found culpable of the no doubt negligent actions of one or more individuals. Rightly so as they were employed by and representing KFC. Ring any bells Rangers ?
  13. Yes, but Monday to Friday they are technically meant to be "job seeking".
  14. Exactly what I was thinking when I was listening to the Radio Scotland phone in tonight. A rather touchy soul phoned in and accused Jim Traynor and Tom (?) English of laughing at the situation. He said something along the lines of "this is not a laughing matter". Get a life you sad b*****d. There were also complaints to the BBC a couple of weeks ago when Richard Gordon was interviewing Ronnie McDonald from Hamilton. He asked McDonald what he was going to do next after he left Accies. He responded by joking that he'd heard a number of stories from the fact that he was leaving as he was suffering from a terminal illness to him going to take over Rangers. Richard Gordon jokingly asked him which he would prefer ! Cue complaints to the BBC. Pathetic really.
  15. Heard him on the news tonight. What an idiot. All he's doing is hardening others resolve to stand by their own stance. The more I hear, the more I want to see this club punished and punished hard (if they are still around to be punished that is).
  16. Yes indeed, a rather telling statement ! Let battle commence between the SFA and SPL.........
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