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Everything posted by capt_oats

  1. Nope. He's contracted to 2024. It was a 3 year deal he signed.
  2. Tbf, he seems to have been well thought of at Bohs and performed well there. I'd imagine we've got a reference from Tierney and Mahon.
  3. It is. I lifted it from here - https://fminside.net/players/2-fm-22/28099477-dan-casey
  4. I mean, it's smart from him. We're joint bottom of the league. Neither the club or players are going to commit beyond that (Danzaki excepted which I imagine was necessary for the visa). From Casey's POV he's signing until summer, if that MLS interest was real then there's nothing to stop him re-visiting that route again later in the year. Good for him.
  5. Absolutely gone at Hammell's quote in the news story btw... Like, it took us having 1 (ONE) fit centre back to make you go "Hmmmmm...?" did it Steven? (I know the deal was probably in place before we sold Sol but fucking hell...)
  6. There he is. Someone's pressed 'publish' instead of 'schedule'
  7. It's since been deleted. Honestly that's my work-related anxiety peaking right now. Sheer panic of fucking up an announce.
  8. Sounds quite vote-of-confidence-y. Tbf, none of that is particularly surprising. Even more so given there's a pile of players just in the door and also if we're waiting on contracts being signed by others. By all accounts he was full of chutzpah at the AGM. I wouldn't expect noises to be coming from him along the lines of "aye, we're fucked lads...". That said there's a point at which it becomes unavoidable. Like, I guess it's possible for the board still to support him but also acknowledge that a decision has to be made and that they've fucked it in the first place.
  9. I don't necessarily think it was a "new manager bounce" but I wonder how much of it was down to it being someone, anyone in the dugout who wasn't Alexander. If you think back to the narrative that was coming out in the aftermath of #Grezza having been binned we were hearing not even subtle digs from players and even Hammell himself about the general mood around the place. As I've said, it looks increasingly like Hammell and Kerr are a big part of the problem now given that individual performances are dropping to levels worse than we saw under Alexander and the same cheap mistakes are costing us week in, week out but aren't being rectified. Whether that's inexperience or just the fact that neither are good enough coaches to be working at Premiership level (or both) IDK but the list of players who have regressed is as long as your arm. Either way it doesn't reflect well on either the manager or his assistant.
  10. This is genuinely why I've pivoted to the idea that actually...maybe it's not the players who are the problem here. Apart from Ricki Lamie.
  11. Aye, I've generally found a loss % is generally more instructive but broadly speaking as a relative indicator of 'success' win % at least gives you a rough idea. Either way the whole table is on Wiki and Hammell is currently sat on 21.73% Going back to 1911 the only permanent managers with a worse win % are Bobby Watson and Roger Hynd:
  12. It was re-visiting that Kerr/Albion Rovers doc that really crystallised things for me in terms of what we've actually done here and why we really shouldn't be surprised. Very much a case of the Peter Principle but we've promoted a guy out of a strategic position with the Academy (that he seems to have been good at) to become first team manager despite him not actually having any first team coaching or managerial experience and paired him with a guy whose managerial experience was relegating Albion Rovers from League 1 to League 2 plus 12 games with EK. Now we're joint bottom of the league with 1 (ONE) home league win this season. I mean, I'm sure it was done with the best of intentions and I've no doubt Hammell's pitch was good but in hindsight?
  13. Noticed this from Narey's Toepoker and aye...add in his overall record and it's really on the board to take some sort of ownership of the fact that they've made a (bad) decision that hasn't worked out as they'd hoped. Even taking into account there's a raft of new players in the door there's absolutely f**k all to suggest that he and Kerr will be able to do anything with them. In fact, as a related point I'm genuinely curious to see what would happen if we were to give Hammell's group of players to a halfway competent coaching team now.
  14. Aye. I mean, It's not looking good for him tbh. As it stands he's lost 56% of his league games in charge.
  15. Was curious to see when we'd emptied previous managers. This obvs includes interim and hasn't updated Hammell's stats in a while - it's league games and he's currently 21.73%... Link Of the permanent managers who have left: 3 - December (Gannon, Brown, Robinson) 2 - February (McLeish, McGhee) 2 - May (McLean, Butcher) 2 - June (Malpas, McGhee) 2 - September (Davies, Baraclough) 1 - June - (Black) 1 - July (Alexander) 1 - October (Kampman) 1 - November (McCall)
  16. This is broadly my take on Martindale. Anyone suggesting him for other mid-tier jobs in Scotland (Motherwell, Hibs, Aberdeen, United...whomever) just hasn't been paying attention. He's in with the bricks at Livi and it works - if you bounce him into a different set up, at another team...I'm not sure it does. Absolutely fair play to him if he realises that.
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