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Everything posted by capt_oats

  1. I'm sorry but I literally just burst out laughing in the middle of the office.
  2. Aye to be clear, when I'm saying we should have kept our powder dry I'm not saying we shouldn't be talking him up. He's been playing really well and above anything else he seems to be someone who responds well to that sort of thing. I guess what I mean is that it just feels a bit premature for Kettlewell to be taking victory laps with a "told you so" energy. Leave that sort of chat until the end of the season when he's hit 20.
  3. I've actually found a lot of the Bair discourse really odd, surprising even. Like, we've seen journos pretty much saying straight to his face "LOL everyone thought you were shit eh?" like that's a totally OK line to take.
  4. This is pretty much where I am tbh. A big part of Kettlewell's success when he was parachuted in was the fact that he was effectively playing the same team week in, week out, and while it's fair to say that he's not helped himself at times this season, given the injuries he's had to deal with it's meant he's not really had the opportunity to get a regular, settled XI on the park. Fwiw, my hot take is that we might actually start turning some of the draws into wins with this shape if we swap out Paton for Nicholson on account of Nicholson being a natural forward rather than a centre mid being asked to play in what is effectively an attacking role. Equally I don't think SK will do it because he seems to fucking love Harry Paton but I'm 100% of the view that we'd see an improved output from playing Nicholson in there (once he's actually fit).
  5. Dunno lads, I feel like we could probably have kept our powder dry rather than giving it the "I told you so" about the big man.
  6. Aye, to me it's McGinn who actually makes the back 3 work. With respect to Casey for all his plus points when he's on form he still doesn't offer what McGinn does on the ball in terms of progressing the ball up the park. If everyone is fit and on form then it's be a return to the back three of last season for me McGinn/Butcher/Casey.
  7. I'd imagine we'll set up the same as Saturday but probably make a bit more use of the bench. These are the sort of games we usually f**k up and seeing as we apparently aren't allowed nice things this season I'm not exactly confident of things going our way. Just saw a clip of Kettlewell's pre-match and according to the man himself Obika's back training and the only injury we have at the moment is Slattery who's due in for surgery this week.
  8. He’s already played for us and Kidderminster this season so probably not. Rumour is he’s away to LOI.
  9. It's a moot point really as it's been made relatively clear that the board aren't of a mind to bin him. Which is fair enough as the rate we've been going through managers recently hasn't been ideal and as it stands we're 4 points off 6th (but 3 points off 11th..yikes). There's a legitimate question over whether his contract is renewed though. The fact that we haven't been losing games also helps a bit and our draws recently have been far more controlled rather than the out and out chaos of chucking all our forwards on with 15 mins to go. At that point we looked completely out of control we conceded 3 against County twice, 4 against Aberdeen and 3 against Dundee. You look at our recent form and even though we've only lost 1 (to Rangers) in our last 8 we've still only won 2 (one of which was against Alloa). Since 7th November we've played 13 games (in all competitions) and only lost 3 but again...we've only won 2. He's in a weird place though. Teams like St Mirren have actually lost more games than us but it's the draws that have been killing us. Equally if we're not losing games the board are unlikely to be compelled to do anything (they're unlikely to do anything anyway as the CEO is interim and has indicated he's been doing this longer than he intended so will be stepping down imminently while our Chairman will step down at the end of the season - so recruiting a new manager while that is going on seems like a hassle unless we absolutely have to). What has settled things down a bit is that since the 3-0 against County in Dingwall where he looked done for our relative uptick in form (1 loss in 8 ) has coincided with Kettlewell doing things like playing left sided players on the left and a holding mid in the holding mid role - which he wasn't doing before. So while it's been clear he's been doing the job with one arm tied behind his back due to outside factors (budgets, injuries etc) he really wasn't helping himself with a lot of the choices he seemed to be making. As @Quatermass says above I don't think asking if folk are still keen for Kettlewell to be sacked is really the right question.
  10. Cheers! That's an interesting read. "Buyabu is an infectious footballer. Somebody the fans would love and he'd get folk on the edge of their seat. When he has the ball good things happen." That sounds...familiar.
  11. Tbh, I'm mildly interested to know what the triggers are that will increase the payments that are due on top of that. Presumably Killie's league placing, qualification for Europe and KVV actually scoring some goals and making appearances?
  12. Agree I doubt it's intended to be a longterm solution but if it works then I can see us rolling with it. My read on the signing of the fullbacks thing is quite simply to give us options/alternatives given how reliant we are on them and especially if Gent is being viewed as an option further up the park and SOD and McGinn are thought of as centre backs. I thought it was interesting to read that Buyabu was described in the spiel the club put out as "predominantly a full-back but can operate further forward". He's described on his Wiki as being a wing back which is unusually specific. The few clips I was able to find on YouTube, much like Gent he looks like he's effectively playing as a winger. Either way it was slightly more reassuring to look at our bench yesterday and it not resemble a creche.
  13. To add to @DC92's post, this is nowhere near the worst Motherwell team in decades.
  14. Kettlewell on Free Agency: He's quite open that we were in for KVV in that article so I suppose it's a question of were we just in for him because it was KVV or he thinks we definitely need another striker (his opinion may be different to many others).
  15. I didn't think Killie were particularly poor tbh - I thought we just did a good job on them. Kind of echoing @thisGRAEME's post on our thread but Killie have very specific threats and it's often the case that good wide players can get a fair bit of joy playing against a back three with the space in behind the wing backs but the way we set up with SOD and Bevis (hilariously but effectively) interchanging on one side and McGinn and Gent on the other we not only smothered them but actually shut them down to the point that they spent a good chunk of the game forced into playing in areas they didn't want to be. Following on from the St Johnstone game the other week yesterday felt like another game where we actually had a lot of control in a way that we definitely didn't when we were chaosballing our way to points/draws earlier in the season.
  16. Also, McInnes didn't actually say that he wasn't expensive - in fact he says that the club "supported" the effort to get him. What he said was that they matched St Mirren's offer but didn't throw extra money at it - which isn't saying they're not paying over the odds.
  17. I mean, if you actually read and understood what I wrote you'd see that's not what I'm talking about at all. If nuance isn't really your thing then, respectfully...f**k off.
  18. I was obviously being glib when I mentioned Killie covering Kev's extended paternity leave but...that's kind of what it feels like. You had posted a few times about Groningen having given up a fair amount of leverage on him and I agree there's absolutely no reason for anyone looking at him and his situation to say, "Yeah, we'll pay the guts of his wages". I imagine they were pishing themselves when not one but two clubs decided they were willing to actually pay what they were looking for.
  19. I was just having a look at the table. We're 4 points off 6th but 3 points off 11th.
  20. You have to say, getting Killie to foot the bill for Kev's extended paternity leave is some bit of business by Groningen. Chapeau.
  21. Not really related to anything in particular but with all the low whelm of last night and "wait...we're not actually signing a striker?" vibes I see the bold Jili signed a new long term deal with Sheffield United before the loan was announced. He's contracted with them until 2027 now. https://www.sufc.co.uk/news/2024/february/01/jili-heads-north/
  22. Taking @Handsome_Devil's point that it's probably far enough away to ignore but just to add re: that 20/21 season we finished with a playing squad of something like 35 players in the first team squad as a result of various injuries. The accounts referenced this as having cost us an increase of £650k in Staff Costs and Other Operating Expenses as a result:
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