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Everything posted by capt_oats

  1. It genuinely astounds me that there are people who'd argue that the Record is anything other than a Rangers fanzine. That Hately article. Ooooft! Talk about embarrassing!
  2. So now ICT seem to have taken a collective Valium along with Aberdeen, Utd and Hearts being fairly straight about no Sevco in SPL hopefully that calms things down a bit. (Though I'm wary of jinxing things) Are we likely now to see something along the lines of: - Sevco's D3 application goes through. One of Dunfermline/Dundee goes up. Life goes on as normal. - Regan & Doncaster get their jotters. (Ogilvie too hopefully) - League reconstruction discussed over the coming season and put in place for 13/14 season. Depending on how the reconstruction plays out then Sevco are out of the top league for at least 2 seasons. (Assuming they've not gone out of business by then)
  3. New ICT statement. Someone's had a word I think. Edited to add: That's along the lines of the statement they SHOULD have put out on Friday.
  4. In fact, statement from ESPN is completely to the contrary. They say they're not going anywhere. That said the more Gilmour talks, the more he's revealing of the stitch-up the SPL/SFA had planned.
  5. Jesus wept! Can someone please just pack Regan's bags for him and get him and Doncaster booted. The two of them are walking facepalms. Ogilvie can clear his desk as well.
  6. Just read Clyde's statement, have nothing but admiration for them. Every SFL club who may be undecided should be paying attention to them and taking their lead.
  7. Entirely off-topic but interesting all the same: Christian Machowski ‏@ChristianMcr Malaga owner Sheikh Al Thani's (@ANAALThani) timeline makes interesting reading again. Subjects: Spanish football tv deal & tax evasion... Retweeted by raphael honigstein The twitter T/L in question is: https://twitter.com/ANAALThani
  8. Really? "We feel Rangers should be in Division Three and our stance hasn't changed." Sounds fairly like they're for voting Newco into Division 3.
  9. Great statement from Hibs Supporters Club. Heartened to see Annan sticking to their guns as well. More of this sort of thing.
  10. Not sure if this has been picked up on, I've been out this evening but Doncaster's changed his tune a bit? "But, when asked if he thought clubs would now face insolvency, Doncaster replied: "I wouldn't have thought so."" http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/18714518 What about financial Armageddon Neil?
  11. Ian Black to Sevco (subject to league status): Grant Russell ‏@STVGrant Via @STVCaroline, ex-Hearts player Ian Black has agreed to join Rangers newco, depending on outcome on league status http://bit.ly/N9v4Hn Collapse Reply Retweet Favorite Meanwhile Aberdeen sign Niall McGinn http://www.afc.co.uk/articles/20120704/northern-ireland-international_2212158_2831769 and Motherwell's 1st team and coaching staff have a 5 day training camp in the Algarve. Impending "Financial Armageddon"...Hmmmmmmm?
  12. I'd have thought Bocanegra, McGregor and Edu would be out the door pretty soon
  13. Apologies if it's been clarified before but is it definite that the 'binding' agreement of Green's to buy the assets is actually binding. Has that deal actually gone through yet? Surely there's no way that a stadium the size of Ibrox could be sustained by a team playing in Division 3 unless there is some external funding support or more to the point surely there's no way Green can make any money out of running the football club that scenario? Didn't he say he only intended to be there for a year?
  14. From the statement: "The final date for votes cast will be Friday 29th June 2012. All existing members can vote. Anyone joining between now and the date of the ballot will be required to pay in full to secure a vote." Genuinely heartened by the club taking this step.
  15. The whole Bury Rangers thing truly is next level hilarity. Complete omnishambles.
  16. The other thing is, as some may well already have pointed out, SKY have a schedule to programme as well. It's not really in their interests to pull a deal that means they're getting regular content for SKY Sports 4 or whatever for peanuts and have to replace it with some other league.
  17. Out of curiosity has there actually been an SPL manager come out and said "It's my personal opinion that Rangers should GTF"? I think Stuart Cosgrove touched on it on Off The Ball the other week, it really does seem like there's a bit of a heavy lean on them from Doncaster/SPL to put the positive public spin on Rangers being re-admitted.
  18. I thought Souness had already publicly said he didn't know anything about any bids or had no involvement. They're really just trying to put on a front to cover up the fact their bid was a piss poor effort that never had a chance and really they've just been wasting everyone's time.
  19. Ahem... "Rangers' administrator must wait until October to make its case on the club's behalf for almost £30m in damages and money owed at the High Court in London." http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/17833957
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