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Pink Freud

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Everything posted by Pink Freud

  1. That looks all right to me. It's an advertising campaign, what were they expecting?
  2. They kept playing U2 and the clientelle went downhill...
  3. You know, for a seriously bright guy you are in real danger of giving the "aw brains and nae sense" mob an excuse for living.
  4. Just get a bit of schadenfreude knowing that his battery will be dead by the time he comes out to start it - hopefully late for work on Monday morning.
  5. Large bottle of Bulmers. However, my feeling is that it didn't cost enough.
  6. Is it for Lent? That is the one thing about the Catholic church I really ought to take on board...
  7. about life in inner city East London Perhaps you'd prefer this
  8. I feel your pain. I'm on the train home from London after a McDs.
  9. It was the old style ones - it seems that they deliberately went for them. So in fact there is no added reason to make our identities more "secure". Which is probably why the whole thing has gone quiet.
  10. I'll tell you what is infuriating - when a bunch of students are caught nicking a full barrel of beer from behind the union at Stirling Uni, and the police put it down to a "student prank" rather than doing them for theft like they would have done if it had been a bunch of similar aged lads from the Raploch. 1984 it happened. I remember it well...
  11. @scary bear. I was away for at least three days. Didn;t you miss me?

  12. Those look like genius. More space in the cupboard for me.
  13. I use my toasty maker occasionally. The big waste of money for me was buying a tandoor, as I purposely ensure never to live beyond staggering distance of an Indian restaurant.
  14. I like the cut of your jib. When are you back in the country? You're very welcome. Just remember to bring a bottle of Bull's Blood and wear a corsage.
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