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Kircer bairn

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Everything posted by Kircer bairn

  1. Isn’t it ironic that the original meaning behind the actual initials PR stand for public relations
  2. Speaking to a former FFC staff member today who confirmed much of the allegations re over involvement of the Killie kit man in our first team
  3. Thank you for an objective summation of the event last night
  4. No Nisbet - assume oversight as you only listed 9 outfield players Who is your preference in goals ?
  5. Just listened to the after match interview & my take is similar to what others have commented in that I don’t have much confidence in the fact that he is learning from his set up & selection issues Comments like it was a toss of a coin between McKenzie Lemon & Craig Williamson are again not helpful when it is clear that the latter is nor ready for first team yet whereas Lemon is very comfortable playing at Gus level I also found his sentiments about the Huddersfield loanee both patronising & contradictory Agree that he’s starting lineup v Airdrie will expose his true thoughts on how he perceives opinions of others as my take on the booing etc on Saturday was as much about the lineup & system he was adopting as the players ineptitude
  6. The reality is that he refuses to change his tactics which we can all see haven’t worked for weeks
  7. Wonder if people would take a loss if it meant Holt & Sheerin were replaced by Yogi & Rice
  8. Trust adding Declan will mean that the club will be able to now have the courtesy & resource to respond to those parents who when invited (twice on club website )to refer their sons for trials never even received an acknowledgment
  9. Seem to recall that Jimbo Jeffries was being lined up to take the role until we were budged out of the way for his first love - be interesting to see if Jimbo would have made a better fist of things than Killie Gazza
  10. For Sheerin to get any credit in the bank he’s going to have to be radical in his team selection & tactics which will mean him having to drop some of his boys to go with a fresher & more flexible approach but somehow don’t see it happening on basis of what I’ve witnessed over past few weeks
  11. Like it from an attacking mobility perspective but chances of that team starting are slim sadly
  12. on basis of last few games we are easy to defend against full stop We need more tempo & urgency into our play & less passes across the field & back the way with Hetherington worst culprit
  13. The poverty of intensity, quality & tempo on the pitch is worrying but from where I sat in the South Stand today the apathy, complacency & lack of passion off the pitch is even more concerning & I get real feeling that we as a fan base have now given up & just accepting our lot
  14. Now this post is bound to divide opinion but is it not time for us as a support to reconsider the high moral ground positioning many of us have held & consider a loan bid for arguably the best striker in the 1st Division with option to buy in January
  15. Loved his positive & passionate perspective & the quote ‘ fans were the 11th man yesterday
  16. Where my grandson & I sit we have a few guys behind us who are younger than me but sit chatting about office politics throughout a match Assumed post Covid they would have left that chat behind but they were back again on Tuesday night with same old everybody to their own I guess
  17. Also think the anti Wilson rhetoric is unjustified
  18. Intrigued with slow pace comment as I felt there is a real tempo about our play with a lot of one passing sets
  19. Assume they are now back at Meadowbank despite their website saying Ainslie Park
  20. Is it an Edinburgh city soo you need to log onto to buy tickets
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