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Kircer bairn

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Everything posted by Kircer bairn

  1. Credit to FTV who within a minute fixed a log on issue
  2. No inside intel but Christophe Berra seems to be out of the picture at Jambos
  3. Thought Blair looked lively when he came on last night Has anyone got an update on three injured players before game namely Miller, Connelly & Telfer plus you Keena / Leitch from last night
  4. Not a lot to add here about what we learned from the match other than it’s now very obvious we need a quick, strong no nonsense central defender who will not only boss opposition but sort out the rest of his back four Also found it was refreshing to listen to honest assessment from Cracks after game & would have been interesting if we had the likes of Alston & Connelly on bench
  5. Nice to see some footy chat after the vilification of our new investors & ex players this week
  6. I think you are missing the deeper point guys about judging others when missing your own faults, however appreciate that the forum is all about opinions I personally don’t know Derek but I do know that by the grace of God go all of us
  7. This last week on this thread has reminded me of how judgemental some people are - plank on own eye before speck in others comes to mind
  8. Am I to assume that there are a lot of impatient guys on here come on gals it’s time to remind them that patience us a virtue
  9. Can't believe I'm saying this but if two of the top four supported teams are against this I could see a groundswell for a breakaway akin the SPL version of 80s
  10. Late to the party here but have to say surprised no one has really commented on the fact that your No 15 got away with one last night when already on a yellow he pulls back our centre mid Miller after he had gone past him around half way line...………..think a case for the referee bottling it as he did with the lack of yellow in first hand when Doyle was taken out on by-line ...…….notice the boy was substituted shortly after which is always a telling statement...………!!!
  11. Wonder when our new centre half is being announced
  12. Am I the only one not quite getting the Louis Longridge Love in?
  13. Understand we might be going Dutch with new centre back
  14. Definitely not Muirhead more from over the water than down the water
  15. Believe Durnan’s days as first choice central defender are numbered New man on his way - in fact already here Time to watch this space
  16. You homed in on a well reasoned argument there Tulloch however can’t help thinking that it’s time for us all to draw a line under what is now an historic legal case & move on. Personally speaking & purely from a team perspective I would prefer that we went after the centre midfielder at Clyde who in the match at Broadwood ran the show
  17. Was it not Ray McKinnon's where's the winger...………...
  18. Also meant to say I fancy a red card for Clyde and wouldn't be surprised if is Goodwillie.
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