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Kircer bairn

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Posts posted by Kircer bairn

  1. 7 minutes ago, Rugby Is Terrible said:

    What on earth was the point in polling the members if the result was going to be completely ignored!? How anyone can excuse the behaviour of the board and management is beyond me. The only reason we don’t have a rapist playing for him is because we couldn’t afford him. The intention was there. The fact that we couldn’t afford him just masks the complete lack of morals. 

    Pure speculation my friend & by the way rugby is not terrible 😎

  2. 12 minutes ago, FFC 1876 said:

    Still 48 points to play for this season with 16 games left so the playoffs aren't yet unrealistic but by god we need a few decent signings this window. Hopefully we see some this week as we need to start winning games and can't afford to be leaking 2+ every game. 

    Williamson New Dixon ATS Mccann
    Telfer New
    Dowds New

    Good post & would totally agree that the four key positions in the spine should be achievable - let’s believe 👍

  3. 15 minutes ago, PedroMoutinho said:

    I know Swinney has a background in youth development so may be a case of Fergus feeling he was interfering,

    It’s certainly a disappointing loss as Fergus had a strong pedigree and by all accounts was doing a great job.

    I heard that he rode on the back of Gairdoch & Airdrie Royal bots clubs & overlooked a lot of other decent youngsters leaving him open to criticism of nepotism & closed shop 

    Also have first hand knowledge that he used club website to advertise for notes of interest in trials for boys but actually many parents never got the courtesy of even a response 

  4. On 06/01/2022 at 08:54, Shadwell Dog said:

    I very much doubt the hysteria on here will have anything to do with it.  Can just see the bod saying every time they need to make a decision  okay hang on a minute before we do that I need to check what the folk on pie and Bovril think. Sad that the logic of this post is immediately dismissed & the irony is that the inclusive nature of the board’s positional statement has been been denigrated by the ignorance & intolerance of the small but vocal minority promoting its own mantra



    See Wee Kevin O Hara out of the picture at the Pars 


  5. 36 minutes ago, FalkirkBairn2021 said:

    It's not entirely irrelevant. 

    There's many fans who wouldn't attend games if he signs. And that could be for what...3 years. So are you going to continue to pay FSS monthly if you can't/won't attend games. Maybe, but it's  harder for people to justify I think.

    Without wishing to be controversial here but wondering how posters on this thread can substantiate the assertion that lots/many/majority of our fan base are going to withdraw their support over this potential signing 

  6. 2 minutes ago, Russ said:

    Doubt Swansea will get much for him. He’s barley kicked a ball under Russell Martin and both parties seem desperate for him to move on.

    Think your point is a mute one Russ as Jay signed a new long term contract last year & he’s an experienced championship player - could be talking 7 figure sum given inflated prices down south 

  7. I’m not sure if I am alone in thinking that the concept of the DoF role would not have been an issue if the right person had been appointed but the present incompetent sorry incumbent has exposed that argument big time.


    in terms of MR’s interview am I the only person to believe that he was purely responding honestly to the question posed & giving context to what has been happening pre his arrival  before moving on to confirm that new additions would be arriving. Maybe I’m naive but I didn’t equate that to this being a fait accompli of another batch of Holt Hasbeens 

  8. 10 hours ago, 19QOS19 said:




    In regards to the "lack of awareness" - FWIW I was talking to my mate who runs the ICU department in DGRI who replied to my message of "You getting busy now?" with "No not at all. The hospital isn't even like a normal winter. It was more like winter in June".

    They wont push that narrative with their fear-mongering BS though and folk will continue to believe the shite our wonderful government are spouting because "we just don't know!"'4!!?!"



    A friend of mine is a senior manager in FV & has shared some interesting facts of the reality on the ground which somewhat contradicts the impression perpetually given by Nicolas Virgin (a child’s view of her name btw) & her govt 

  9. 15 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

    Sorry Grangemouth mutants, Holt won't be going to Kilmarnock.


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    Actually I have no idea if that's true. Being a former player has far too much influence in these situations. Being a cup winner even more so. I hope Kilmarnock aren't tempted (if they want a former Kilmarnock cup winner then, as I said earlier in the thread, Jim McIntyre is a much, much better choice) simply so that Holt remains at Falkirk, being comically shit and ineffective*.






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    See you next season.


    He’s our mutant hero but on this occasion we couldn’t stand in the way of him taking his boyhood team back to Division One 

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