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Kircer bairn

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Posts posted by Kircer bairn

  1. We desperately need to get a couple of leaders for central defence & midfield in the mould of Yogi & Alex Taylor to get things stabilised & then add a minimum of one frontman. Allied to those three hopefully we have a positive manager bounce out of others already there whose performance levels had definitely tailed off over past month 

  2. 52 minutes ago, Blame Me said:

    All of this ☝but compounded with Holt leaving soon too, I am told.

    So our 'strategy' reverts back to a wing and a prayer.

    Massive clusterf**k energy about the impending situation.

    If it’s true that Holt is leaving soon I think that will be a great encouragement for fan base, & also release more people to invest in club as I sense some are holding back until he has gone 

    Imperative that Rennie has total autonomy to create the new culture at club & recruitment is integral to that 

    Does anyone know if KM rumour has weight?

  3. 3 minutes ago, NavyBlueArmy1876 said:

    5 or 6 players good would make a massive difference to the squad tbf.

    A couple of centre halfs and a couple on strikers and a ball winning midfielder (because LOL at Miller and Hetherington) are what we should be looking at. The goalkeepers, full backs and rest of the midfield should be an adequate base to add to

    I suppose the main challenges are getting the quality in and finding someone to ship out the dross to. Even if it's only on loan in both aspects that would do 

    Spot on - spine of team to be addressed asap 



  4. 12 minutes ago, FalkirkBairn2021 said:

    This is always a bit of a red herring. You don't need to find a lump sum. We can continue to pay Sheerin his monthly salary (which will be peanuts) whilst telling him never to come within 1 mile of the stadium. 

    If we had a whip round on here we could pay Sheerin for 25 years never to manage us.


  5. 2 hours ago, Ecosse83 said:

    His tactics are woeful and he can’t change it. We create zero but all he talks about is defending better. I actually feel for him becuase he seems a thoroughly decent guy but that’s not enough to remain in the job. Sadly he’s massively out depth and he actually knows it! 

    I find it intriguing that there are posters on here who consistently refer to our current managerial incumbent as a “nice/decent guy”. Now whilst I’ve nothing personal against PS I so think there is some validity in considering the following:

    1. would a nice guy not do the honourable thing & resign from posy given the abject failure of a season under his tenure?

    2. would a nice guy not be so stubborn in persisting with inflexible tactics that are patently not successful?

    3. would a nice guy keep exposing a raw youngster to constant scrutiny & often the associated vitriolic criticism?

  6. 24 minutes ago, Zbairn said:

    To get us out of this league, I’d take Dick Campbell of Arbroath. Would be interesting to see if jumped at taking on a full time squad with total control of player acquisition. He might not be the man to get us to the Premier League, but he would certainly have us up there.  Obviously Holt would have to go.

    Assuming Holt & Sheerin are away how about a pitch for services of McKinnes & Docherty

  7. 2 hours ago, Shadwell Dog said:

    I must admit I find it funny that a camelon juniors fan is on here criticising our club when they've been a complete shambles this season. At least our entire team and management hasn't walked out yet due to shenanigans with toxic Tony and the committee. A new manager and entire team came in and yet he's away already yet you are telling us we should be giving our manager time. Camelon are one of the only clubs in Scotland that are even more of a basket case than us.😂😂



  8. 12 hours ago, superandy_07 said:

    Finally got round to my notes, apologies if stuff has already been covered

    I have missed stuff out but hopefully be covered by the recording that will follow 

    It was uncomfortable but felt it got easier for them after the first 20 mins

    • Started with an introduction by Gary Deans

    • Gordon Colburn was up next

    Talked about his family ties to Falkirk.

    Understands that the situation has changed, the club has been on the decline for several years.

    Board needs to be held accountable, same with supporters are accountable and some actions by some of them have been not consistent with Falkirk FC values — threats and attacks are not acceptable at all.

    Mentioned that supporters need to support the players as players are scared to do things on the pitch(!), big laugh ensues, followed by saying that we’ve lost players due to the supporter behaviour around the club (I thought this may have been youth academy players but might have heard that wrong).


    • Bit of back and forth between Gary and the floor before moving onto questions 


    • First question was an absolute belter, very well researched with lots of stats, the main point about the win rate of teams that have won League One and how we’re nowhere near that.

    Gary took this on and talked about how recruitment before was a disaster with Lex Miller, Lee Miller and David McCracken dealing with this, coming out of those meetings terrified realising there was no real plan. Also made a comment that it doesn’t make a difference who is chairman. McFarlane also agreed that recruitment has been bad, we need stability, comparing previous players like Mercer and Leitch to Williamson and Nesbit, and that the team needs space and time needed to improve.


    • First online question (over 60 emails submitted!) - FFC being run like a boys club with the board being filled with nepotism

    Gary refutes this completely, responds that there seems to be an undercurrent that the fans want to sack someone, get someone to walk. Why do teams raise their game against us? We have lots of ex-Falkirk players playing against us, because of the revolving door of players and staff. Said the end of last season was the worst moments of his Falkirk supporting life. 


    • Gary Holt

    Clarifying his role - he has zero influence on first team matters (team selection, tactics, subs etc). Quoted stat 65 players have come in the door, 63 have gone out along with 13 non-playing staff coming and going. Not always going to get recruitment right, but we can’t get it right with a constant revolving door. Gary does not sign players alone, he concentrates on shovel work that comes with scouting and dealing with agents etc, Sheerin has final say.

    We made an approach for 14 different strikers, including Scott Robinson and Declan McManus (willing to also pay his transfer fee), but were blown out of the water in terms of wages.


    • Paul Sheerin

    Total accountable for the performances so far. Felt the real tension from Saturday's game.

    The team needs the support of the fans. Paul is still learning with this being his first full time appointment. He trusts that the team will get it better. We’ve been let down by individual errors and not got the blend right upfront or the back, can’t score goals and can’t keep clean sheets. Sheerin has been more involved in recruitment since he's joined the club.


    • Phil Rawlings

    He felt there wasn’t enough investment behind the scenes. Said that the club was an accident waiting to happen and it did last season. We have the biggest wage bill in the league, including the investment in youth squads.

    We need to get promotion, we are going to make it happen the best we can but we need stability, and can't expect to do the same things the club have done in the past.

    Asking for patience, mentioned how long it took Stoke and Orlando to get to the top, we are trying our best to get there stating there hasn’t been a concrete plan before. 


    • Expenditure - questions on the increased costs of board level investment

    Commercial income will be down, the loss of Kieran and Totten are a blow. 

    The club is in a period of investing in the future.

    Right now they are planning to be in Championship next year, if by January that seems unrealistic they shall review.

    Small mention of SPFL Club Review, how there could be a danger of criteria for the top league (think back to Brockville), whether that be grass pitch only for example.

    Gary was really cagey about part time being an opportunity next year if we don’t go up.


    • Navy Blue Group 

    Colburn stated there was a number quoted but came with conditions - offer started at £500,000 and later on became £600,000, but no formal offer was made. They refused the approach as the offer was non-negotiable, a meeting was setup but was cancelled the day before by the NBG.

    Gary said the door is open, someone from the floor shouted “On your terms”.

    GD responded with to deliver a document, to invest, you need to discuss it. The investment didn’t fail because of the conditions of Gary walking, you have got to talk about these things, discuss them and be reasonable.


    • More Sheerin tidbits

    Big Ernaldo Krasniqi - still has a lot to learn defensive, was seen as an opportunity to develop a Huddersfield relationship, was also cost effective, works hard and he will get opportunities.

    Steven Hetherington - seen as one of our most important players, met with laughs

    Felt he needed to give Paddy Martin an opportunity, Paul Dixon he also feels hasn’t been good enough over the past month (Dixon himself agrees).


    • Gary Deans wrapping up

    Knew tonight would be difficult with a lot of frustrations but went better than he expected.

    Thanked everyone coming and giving us space to give answers.

    They are doing their damndest to get back where the club needs to be.

    The fans are vital, proud to be part of the support the club has.


    Bed time now zzz

    Thank you for an objective summation of the event last night 

  9. 4 hours ago, HopeStreetWalker said:

    Reflecting on the preformances so far this season it is evident  a 3-5-2 formation gets most out the players we have.

    These are the first picks the other positions are up for grabs

    Defense: Hall - Lemon - Dixon

    Midfield: Morrison/McDaid - Krasniqi - Telfer 

    Forwards: Keene - Ruth

    No Nisbet - assume oversight as you only listed 9 outfield players 

    Who is your preference in goals ?



  10. Just listened to the after match interview & my take is similar to what others have commented in that I don’t have much confidence in the fact that he is learning from his set up & selection issues 

    Comments like it was a toss of a coin between McKenzie Lemon & Craig Williamson are again not helpful when it is clear that the latter is nor ready for first team yet whereas Lemon is very comfortable playing at Gus level 

    I also found his sentiments about the Huddersfield loanee both patronising & contradictory 

    Agree that he’s starting lineup v Airdrie will expose his true thoughts on how he perceives opinions of others as my take on the booing etc on Saturday was as much about the lineup & system he was adopting as the players ineptitude 




  11. 18 minutes ago, Shadwell Dog said:

    For a starters if you do go down the road of a dof then at least get someone with previous experience in the role instead of a complete novice like Holt.

    Seem to recall that Jimbo Jeffries was being lined up to take the role until we were budged out of the way for his first love - be interesting to see if Jimbo would have made a better fist of things than Killie Gazza

  12. 13 minutes ago, Shadwell Dog said:

    You are spot on. Unfortunately the support is full of people who will put up with any old shite to get out on a Saturday afternoon. The days when the fans would join as one to give the bod pelters have long since gone and as soon as deans opens his mouth and gives the usual it'll be different this season I promise speech, they can't get their cash out quick enough and then seem surprised when the season is just as stinking as the last one. Meanwhile the club continues to plummet into oblivion getting worse season after season. It's a scary thought but will we actually have a club to support in a few seasons time?

    For Sheerin to get any credit in the bank he’s going to have to be radical in his team selection & tactics which will mean him having to drop some of his boys to go with a fresher & more flexible approach but somehow don’t see it happening on basis of what I’ve witnessed over past few weeks 





  13. 2 minutes ago, JustLuvinThepian said:

    I've a feeling that last minute goal saved him.

    1. Too slow.  Insisting on the passing game. Making Perry triangles is fine but but goes nowhere. The slowness allows the opposition to organise.

    2. Forward passes go to a player with his back to goal and a defender up his back.  Should be passing into space, keeping the opposition moving.

    3. Lack of mobility. A static player is easy to mark.  More movement into space needed.

    4. Single 'Striker' does not work for us.  Sheerins comments that he wants to see goals come from all areas off the park, and the fact that our combined strike force have scored one league goal, indicates he wants to play a false 9. That's fine but, other than Nesbitt, there is no contribution from the midfield.  Out with Morrison, our top scorer is Dixon!

    5. It was noticeable that we began to get into more attacking positions and came back from behind when Two went up top.  One up top is bread and butter for two centre halves.  Going one in one with them asks questions.

    6. We were promised attacking football.  Two holding midfielders is not attacking football.  Krasniqi playing as the single holding midfielder is what we needs.  He can break up the play and do the simple pass.  With him sitting in front of the two centre backs, he drops in to form a three when we are defending and steps forward when attacking.  Like Fernandinho at Man City, not comparing Krasniqi to him but you get the idea.

    7. The single, and capabke, holding midfielder allows Telfer to move further foward. Before the meltdown last seas on he was one if our most effective attacking options from deep.  It allows the full backs to become proper wing backs.  Krasniqi sitting allows Dixon and McKay to cover the full back areas when they drive forward.

    8. Learn how to counter the deep lying opposing midfield and defence. If they are sitting deep, drop back into your own half and force them to come forward. Then go over the top into space behind. It's long ball football but it works when a team wants to play 10 behind the ball and let you pass yourselves to death.

    9. Mutch. You can kick the ball long from hand.  A pass to your full back does retain possession but it allows the opposition to get back and reorganize.  Try a bit of variety.

    10. STOP the constant back Passing. Yes, you retain possession but it goes nowhere.  Try gambling more with forward passes.  Yes you will lose possession more but possession does not win games.  Getting in the box breeds goals.  Drive forward, lose possession and then press to get it back further up the field.  Passing it across the back four is rubbish to watch and does not win games.

    Bit of a rant but it's honestly getting boring to watch and each week of this makes the garden centre seem more appealing


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