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Everything posted by sjc

  1. Yes, in the same way Queen Victoria didn't really build an Empire. Just done by Politicians or in Japan's case, a Military ruler in their name. The radio broadcast by the Emperor ofJapan's surrender was the 1st time most Japanese had heard his voice.
  2. You're getting the Emperor mixed up with the Military rulers that were ruling Japan back then.....but granted human life was treated as cheap.....not just by the Japanese though. Stalin murdered up to 50m!
  3. 250,000 in total were vaporised in a split second in the two A-bomb droppings. There's still generational cancers being treated due to the effects of the fallout. You should visit the peace park museum if you're ever here. Interesting but fucking harrowing. I agree that nature and the environment can recover well over time (like Chernobyl) but the poor b*****ds that died/lived with the effects of a nuclear bomb shouldn't be undermined.
  4. Are you including the numbers of those that died in the decades after Hiroshima & Nagasaki due to the effects of the radiation?
  5. sjc


    I love how he's all about the fans nowadays given that he couldn't give a f**k about them when it comes to the black on a 147 and the prize money isn't to his liking!
  6. I'd suggest that their bf/husband/fiancé buy them a puppy if they're that desperate for attention!
  7. I think you'll find I said some of them were very attractive. Hence I started the thread. If you're looking for someone that's into actually fucking transsexuals then @mrcat1990is your man.
  8. Don't worry, you start to learn what the different cries are for.
  9. You could at least quote my post where I dispose of the bodies.....
  10. I was thinking more about her "literally" chaining people to the system with the right to buy policy. Not replacing the sold housing stock undid any claims of genius.
  11. Is a Helen not a reference to Helen Lovejoy or a forum pant wetter?
  12. How are you supposed to share a pint if you going clubbing on your own?
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