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Everything posted by sjc

  1. There can't be much rough around that course I bet!
  2. @topcat(The most tip top). He's about that tall!
  3. Like @Honest Saints Fan's daughter, my wee one will be 1 year old soon. Where the f**k has a year gone btw?! Here she is dressed as Winnie the Pooh courtesy of her uncle. Congratulations @Bobby Skidmarks btw
  4. Way ahead of you there mate. See my 1st post regarding the c**t.
  5. I still have a friend request notification from a girl that hanged herself a few years ago (I only noticed the request after she died). Nothing funny about that but I've remained unsure what to do with the request ever since noticing it.
  6. Sounds like he's more of a revisionist than a modernist if you ask me.....
  7. You're clearly getting modernism and capitalism mixed up, Drew.....Ahh, no point explaining to the likes of you!
  8. What a pretentious c**t! How old is he? Must be at least in his mid 50s if he was making calls in 1978!
  9. I'm scared to go onto my facebook these days as a lot of my "friends" appear to have reinvented themselves as Abraham Lincoln/Nelson Mandela/Gandhi et al or the like despite them having an omnishambles for personal lives.
  10. ^^^This. Chick Young would never disappoint me as I've always known him to be a dribbling simpleton that I have no respect for.
  11. Surely to f**k there's some sort of rule against Magee appearing in this thread other than being pictorial evidence of a horrific nightclub pic?!
  12. Having been a boater I wouldn't normally condone dumping rubbish in the canal but seeing that fat bigoted c**t thrown in would just great.
  13. Who went to the mods? I just called you out for being a scumbag for wishing ill on someones family.
  14. sjc


    Hope you'll be ok, *** x
  15. ^^^doesn't have kids type post. Seriously. Even the most basic of tasks can take forever! You really do wonder what you did with all your free time prior to having kids! This is probably why some folks will just say "f**k it! You can stay here with your Mum/Dad*" *delete as applicable.
  16. Nah, no rage here. You're just a continual embarrassment to yourself.
  17. sjc


    Anyone else hoping she spends her Saturdays sucking off the players from the local rugby club whilst he's away watching Coventry getting pumped?
  18. sjc


    In fairness to Jimmy White, wasn't he coked out of his nut throughout his career? That alone should have him in everyone's top 10!
  19. I'm calling fake here. I've seen an elephant and no way are they that big. The turtle too now I think about it.
  20. Why the f**k would Paul Simon get a ginger wig?!
  21. HB is a bit "damaged" tbf. Not sure if he was born like that or as a result of a kicking on the Hamden pitch last year.
  22. Has she posted the Marlyn Monroe "can't handle me at my worst so don't deserve me at my best" meme? I bet she has!
  23. In fairness to Aberdeen they'd need to get relegated to match that feat....
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