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Everything posted by sjc

  1. Watched J. Edgar last night. Enjoyed it and thought Di Caprio was very good as per usual. Started watching Chinatown starring Jack Nickelson but my laptop shutdown and won't reboot!
  2. Cheapskate c***s with no watch that are always asking for the time then get all uppity about it when you tell them.....
  3. Me too but my old man was a mechanic so wouldn't get away with calling it anything else tbh.
  4. Nothing. That would certainly be less confusing than left or right due to the reasons given by Dee Man above. Offside/nearside is the technical term I believe though.
  5. Happy Birthday mate :-) Welcome aboard your 40's!
  6. I don't mind Piers Morgan tbh. I don't agree with a lot he says but at least he'll engage in a reasoned debate with people.
  7. Saw this on twitter: Cymothoa exigua is a type of parasite that enters fish's gills, eats their tongue, and then replaces it.
  8. I've seen a couple of memes on twitter with him on it that are pretty cringe worthy. Not sure whether it's his dad or some grief merchant hijacking his photographs.
  9. c**t! Even if it's probably the last thing I should eat having just had acute pancreatitis!
  10. Are you doing that deliberately, Philpy?!
  11. ^^^clearly couldn't give a f**k what happened to Madeleine!
  12. You wouldn't be saying that if it were Cadaver cats....
  13. They could've found her corpse in there and they still wouldn't be under suspicion!
  14. Had my IV Drip removed at lunchtime today after feeling fine since Friday. Was allowed to start taking hospital food on Saturday.....watery rice, watery miso soup and an unidentified mashed vegetable x3 a day. Tastes as bad as it sounds Breakfast is just under 12 hours away and I already have hunger pains......don't think I'm gonna make it!
  15. My wife had a vivid dream the other night that I brought a guy home and announced to her that he was my life partner and that I was adamant that he would play a role in our daughters upbringing. My secret's out after all these years!
  16. Rangers* fans should have obtained a UN mandate prior to entering the pitch imo.
  17. Reference to Battle of the Bogne was kind of the point I'm making. The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month was born out of WW1 and understandably incorporated WW2 but the shoehorning in of hugely controversial and in some cases downright illegal wars doesn't fit right with those that opposed them in the first place. This doesn't mean I don't respect the fallen of said wars or flash points.
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