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Everything posted by sjc

  1. No excuse for Theresa May setting the place alight though.....
  2. Fire shouldn't be able to spread so quickly through flats & floors if built in accordance with modern fire regulations. Also all materials used should be to a certain fire rating. Was the recent refurbishment done in accordance with these regs and the materials of the required fire ratings? If not, why not?
  3. No chance regarding McGregor imo. Exhibit A: https://youtu.be/etWbCUQ_68w
  4. As long as we get the money up front otherwise we'll never see it with those c***s.
  5. I'm surprised there hasn't been much interest in him tbh. He was, at times, the only glimmer of light in an otherwise pitch black season.
  6. I think you mean "refer her to the Ladyboy thread"
  7. Infidelity is not always a black & white situation. Sometimes the cheating is a direct reaction to failings of the other partner in the relationship.
  8. I'd say the indiscretion suggests a complete lack of respect for their partner more than them lacking self esteem.
  9. I don't think that was the issue tbh. More to do with his lack of descretion I'd say.
  10. Would you not be better either single or agreeing to an open relationship?
  11. As opposed to those that making their porridge with salt and water? OFTW behaviour imo
  12. The availability of used womens underwear via vending machines aside, you're absolutely right! I'm thinking of trying to flush the gallbladder naturally this coming week but am a bit worried I'll provoke another acute pancreatitis attack. If I don't make it, it's been nice knowing you all!
  13. After my but of acute pancreatitis I had a check up on Friday, which revealed that I need to have my gall bladder removed. I'm fucking falling to bits FFS! Booked in for surgery on the 27th.
  14. Can't help but think that this is all about giving Celtic & Rangers* a route back into Scottish football if their move to the EPL/Atlantic league turns sour.
  15. I saw Dongcasters comments the other day. Seems like a great negotiating strategy for the new TV deal....
  16. Yeh but it worked so successfully in the English league last season....
  17. I read the twitter threads when they announced its launch. Basically Celtic fans told them to bolt after they denied Rangers died. Rangers* fans already have the Daily Record to tell them what they want to hear...
  18. Can't say my wife has any real infuriating habits to be honest but I do miss the care free and irresponsible days of being single. There's a lot to be said about not having to be considerate for someone else and doing exactly what you want when you want. #boatlife
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