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Everything posted by sjc

  1. Which makes me wonder why no warrant has been issued for SDM along with the one issued for Whyte?
  2. You can't borrow fcuk all on assumption.....especially in the financial climate of the time. Equally, you can't borrow money on the value of an asset that someone else owns........unless of course the current owners collude with you....
  3. Scotland striker Steven Fletcher's real father is actually Norman Stanley Fletcher c/o HP Slade.
  4. I genuinely think Whyte was sought out by SDM et al as they (privately) thought the BTC was lost and given Whyte's background, they thought he was the ideal man to arrange for the death/rebirth of the Club/company.
  5. That's what I thought......so how did he get the money from Ticketus prior to concluding the deal without SDM/Lloyds collusion?
  6. I thought it was a £1 but proof of funds to pay the £18m to Lloyds had to be shown first?
  7. Either way SDM/Lloyds must have been involved with some form of brokering the deal with Ticketus.......How else could you borrow money on the equity/assets of a business belonging to someone else?
  8. I was referring to the article saying that "Whyte used Ticketus' money as proof of funding" in order to buy the Club........How could Ticketus do that without some sort of reasurances from SDM? Would kind of be like me trying to buy my neighbours house using his equity in the property.
  9. Why would Ticketus transfer money to Whyte's account for him to show Murray/Lloyds Bank that he had "proof of funds" PRIOR to Whyte owning Rangers.......that doesn't make sense in any World let alone a Business one.
  10. He hits the floor like a sack of shit! He also looks a bit like that wee "you want some" cnut.
  11. I'm pretty sure I've eaten cat before......passed off as chicken.
  12. I'm an engineer! But you're right....the amount of times I got blank looks when saying that! I now just say civil engineer......which gets not quite as many blank looks!
  13. The thing I don't get about what is being levvied at Whyte in that article is how could he have used Ticketus' money as proof of funds for buying the Club?Surely Ticketus would only lend him the money once he owned the Club in order to sell the future Season Tickets? Unless of course SDM "colluded" in this deal of course?!
  14. I remember seeing a guy with a massive rucksack on his back turning quickly and knocking a woman off her feet at a London tube station.....did make me chuckle at the time but what if it had knocked her onto the tracks?!
  15. You can't beat a good studs up, over the ball challenge in a friendly kickabout let alone an organised 5's/11's.
  16. Is Lauren leaving? Is she not pregnant in real life?
  17. When you say "interesting" you mean "horrendous" (from a Rangers point of view) don't you?
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