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Posts posted by McKee

  1. Well someone who has an argument with no intention of coming out on top is either a very mentally unstable person, or a woman. Which one are you??

    Isn't that the same thing?

    That's one Big Gus would be proud of.

    If by disect you mean thinking to myself " Fucksake, this is soul crushing to watch " then sure, it's hardly my best body of work but im sure the education planners are trying to fit me into their curriculums as we speak.

    Well there must be some reason you've just spent 20 minutes replying to me? You've certainly made more than a few long, time consuming posts about me. I wonder why.

    They do concern me, when its a thread about Morton (usually a match thread) or a subject that i have a vested interest in that some 18 year old boy who's angry at the world has completely ruin by your need to pick arguments with anyone and everyone, for no reason than to make themselves feel better about themselves. The problem is you're just not good enough at it, and should never ever ever come out of one of your online encounters with someone thinking you've got the best of them, because believe me i've yet to see it happen once.

    Nah, they don't concern you actually,. It's always in irrelevant discussions in threads, case in point this one. It's quite easy to skip by my posts, or any other posts for that matter. You obviously choose not to do that, and actually spend more time replying to me telling me I suck than you do discussing the actual topic of the thead. Again, there must be a reason for this.

    You're one of the " I don't care, it's the internet you losers " platoon of posters on here that obviously care far too much considering the time and effort you put into arguing with people.

    You've lost me here. But feel free to trawl through the forums looking for that non-existant opinion I expressed.

    You obviously do care if to make yourself feel better in your own life, you feel the need to release anger at strangers, most who only want to come and talk about their team with other like-minded people by continually trying to one-up them and belittle them while only managing to make yourself look like a tragically deprived silly little boy.

    Is it irony you're going for here? Your entire contribution to the website revolves aroud replying to the poster and not the subject. It's the only thing you do!

    And feel free to point out at any time those posts where I think I'm "wining".

  2. Oh, and is there anything worse than watching an internet argument where one of the people thinks they are winning yet everyone reading it is cringing so hard for them that a little bit of poop rolls down their leg?

    I mean, don't get me wrong, absolutely no one is winning this argument and i enjoy the warm sensation of faeces on my body, but one person as usual is keeping their car crash style at optimum levels, to the dis-like of any reasonable human being without any mental issues.

    If Charlie Sheen is " Winning " then McKee must be one of the junkie hookers he beat up and pissed on.


    Please point out the posts in which I believe I'm "winning".

    And can I ask why you always seem to want to disect every inch of the posts I make, even when they aren't really of any concern to you. It happens a lot.

  3. XXXxxXXXPrincessofPAraidiceXXXxXX had my quote in her sig once.

    Big pimpin'.

    Well she is fond of eulogizing massive cocks.

    Every. Single. Thread.

    This forum is fucking shite now, bunch of belters ruining it for other folk. If only the ignore function wiped every trace of selected posters right off the board.

    Stop whining. You've done more than your fair share of entertaining FifeSpud in recent times.

  4. Well I'm off to bed but perhaps whilst I'm sleeping you can point me in the direction of one of your 'funny' posts so we can all piss ourselves.

    You've seriously made an extra special tit of yourself tonight and by your own very high standards of making yourself a tit, that's no mean feat.

    Night night.

    Well you're the fortification of validity in that respect, aren't you? As the "Wee Dublin Brigade" will testify.

  5. I think you need to be a little bit humourous yourself to enjoy other humour.

    Given that you come across as a such crushing bore I'm not hugely suprised you don't enjoy them. Thanks for reading though.

    Where's the classic reply from Big Gus' School of Comic Repartee? This one is lacking severly in try too hard humour.

    Should it not be something along the lines of: "Given that a belm like you seems about as humourous as finding a ping-pong lump on the scrotom, it's not in the least bit suprising to find you don't enjoy them"

    Interesting to see you regard your reviews as "humour" though.

  6. McKee I hate to the one to break it to you (actually I'm fucking loving it) but Big Gus is the author of one of the most universally acclaimed, yes and very funny, threads in P and B history.

    Again I'm loving telling you, but far from you being the ultimate arbiter on P and B, a self styled 'Master Telter', you are in fact a fud.

    I've read a few of the reviews actually. They don't strike me as being particularly funny. It just seems to be along the lines "easting part A of pie was like extreme and explicit event X. Seeing part B of pie was akin to extreme and explicit event Y. Lifting part C of pie it was...". It's just more evidence to the try too hard nature of BigGus.

  7. Genuinely, being unbiased, you take yourself more seriously than almost anyone else on here.

    You posted the picture because you're an attention seeking berk.

    yes, that's it fifespud, you've got me pegged. :mellow:

    My posting style is always deadly serious and deadpan McKee.

    You are truly the master of observation.

    Actually, you try far too hard to be humorous, and it just doesn't work for you at all. I'm sorry to be the one to break it to you.

  8. I'm referring to the fact that you posted a picture of yourself, or you claimed it was anyway, slumped in a seat with your pants pished in the General Nonsense forum recently. To be fair while it was humour on a slapstick level it was probably one of the funniest things you've ever posted.

    I'm well aware of what you're talking about, that doesn't make it patter though. Patter is humorous lines in conversation. A picture can't be patter.

    And the photo was definitely me. And as I said on the thread, I don't know if it was pish, I was assuming.

    I posted that photo because I don't take myself too seriously on internet forums. It's a policy you should think of adopting.

  9. I think you were one of the few belms who could not grasp that a morton fan who doesn't go to the games but comments on most facets of the football club is still an armchair fan.

    Except that doesn't happen. At all.

    As far as patter goes you should stick to pishing your own pants to provide comedy value. You are at least skilled at that.

    That doesn't even make sense. Really poor patter from you yet again. You are at least proving to be skilled at that.

  10. You'd need to point those posts out. I think they are just another figment of your over active imagination or perhaps another figure you've plucked out your ring.

    I think this page is proof enough that most of the Morton newpoofs are struggling to contain their rage at him. A bit like you, he's posting shit for a reaction. He appears to be getting it.

    I seem to remember an instance of you replying to just about every vikingTon post on the board a few months ago. As well as that time you called someone an armchair Morton fan, that was funny too.

    I haven't really noticed that, other than those 2 posts above. Seems to be more point and laugh at that guy with the veins popping out of his head and fists clenched in silent fury.

    Drop this "newpoofs" patter though, chronic stuff.

  11. I'm quite enjoying Fifespud's new trolling posting style. It's only the fairweather Morton newfags he seems to be snagging but he's still landing some prize whoppers who seem to have taken to stalking him around other threads he posts in.

    Good stuff.

    I'm not sure having a heart seizure every time the words "Morton", "Greenock" or "vikingTON" come into eyeline can be regarded as trolling. You've been known for that in the past as well though, to be fair.

  12. It's cheap because its not very nice. They've also done a cracking job marketing it as when it was around in the UK years back it wasn't considered very classy.

    It doesn't taste any where near as string as any other beer, that is why it is king.

    and as for it being cheap due to the poor taste, strongbow cost £2.80 I believe. You're not going to tell me that tastes is of upmost eccellence eh? 8)

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