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Posts posted by McKee

  1. I don't think that winning a slam means that you will be a dominant force. Ivanisevic won Wimbledon near the end of his career and was never really a dominant force in the game. Perhaps I rate Del Potro a little highly, but I seriously believe that he has a bright future. I saw him at Wimbledon about 4 years ago and you could tell he was a massive talent. I'd be very surprised if he wasn't a major threat.

    Have you seen Del Potro on grass?!?! It's not a pretty sight.

    I don't think I'm overrating Tsonga, either. He'll certainly be better than Querry, who I don't rate too highly. I may be proved wrong. Ernests Gulbis is an interesting player. He certainly has the potential to be a class player, but he's too inconsisitent and doesn't the desire the others have. You rate him quite highly, judging by your avatar? Cilic has a big serve, he'll be decent, top 8, yes. I don't think he'll be a major threat. Don't know too much about Grigor Dimitrov, he's only about 18/19, in 2 years he might not quite be challenging Tsonga. Donald Young won't be anywhere near Tsonga in 2 years.

    Gulbis is a total headcase, but he is certainly cool as f**k. All he needs is a bit of maturity and he'll be top 10 easily. He is in my avatar as an ode to the match he played against Nadal at Madrid a few years ago. Dimitrov has all the tallent in the world. Just needs to piece it altogether. All of them will be above Tsonga in 2 years time. Other than Donald Young, who is now an internet meme I believe. Typical overhyped American.

  2. Winning a slam doesn't mean your going to dominate tennis, as you seem to think. Soderling is nothing. The guy has never even won a MM, he will never win a slam, which was evident as he was absolutely destroyed in his last 2 atempts. Del Potro got a flukey slam, and as I've said is out with a massive injury. It's doubtful if he'll ever rediscover his game again. Big hitters like Sod, Del Potro, Cilic, Berdych will never dominate tennis. High risk, low variety tennis = no consistency to rack up the slams and dominate tennis. Can they beat one of the big 4? Of course. Can they catch fire for 2 weeks and go far in a slam, maybe even win one? Of course. But just don't expect them to win many, and be considered dominant.

    PS, I think it's laughable how much you are overrating Tsonga. He is the epitome of averageness. Totally bizzare that you think he'll be ahead of the likes of Berdych, Gulbis, Querry, Cilic, Dimitrov and Young in 2 years time.

  3. No. Del Potro is underrated, I think he could even be better than Murray in a few years time. He's already won a slam and hasn't reached anywhere near his peak yet. Fantastic player.

    Murray can also still improve, and when he wins his first slam, which I believe will be the US next month, he will gain confidence and start to dominate more. He just needs to work on his first serve %.

    Djokovic isn't good enough. He's peaked, in my opinion and should not be ranked at 2, although that's the way it works.

    Nadal can't play any better. He'll dominate the clay court events, but I reckon he'll retire pretty young, too many injuries.

    Federer is too old now, unfortunately, still the best in history and nobody will be as good as him, ever.

    I think Soderling will be a cracking player, he's really strong on all surfaces and a dangerous opponent. Infact, for the first time ever, I was wrong. I reckon Del Potro, Murray and Soderling will be the dominant forces, within the next few years.

    Tsonga is good, but again, not as good as those player, I stil think he'll win a slam.

    Del Potro underrated? Soderling dominating tennis?(I don't think you realise he is already 26 and at his peak?) Tsonga winning a slam? :lol: Where do you keep finding these gems from? What are you going to try and tell me next, Verdasco will triple bagel Nadal at Roland Garros? Del Potro is the most overrated player in tennis, other than Robin Soderling, and possibly Berdych at the moment. You quite obviously don't realise how hard it would be to "dominate tennis" with that style of play. Del Potro, Soderling and Berdych are ball bashers, they have very little variety in their games, for any 3 of them to win a slam they would need to be on fire for 2 whole weeks, which is hard enough. Take into account that their particular playing style combined with their physique will result in more injuries. In fact Del Potro has already missed the whole season with an injury(a wrist injury which is one of most difficult to come back from). There is a reason one dimentional ballbashers have never dominated tennis. Djokovic has had a slump year, he is definitely good enough. Federer is not finished by a long shot, HC is by far his best surface, he still has a few majors left in him. You don't seem to realise how week the competition is. I'm willing to bet that at least 11 out of the next 12 grandslams are won by a member of the big 4.

  4. I'm pleased Nadal got pumped, just there. He's a total p***k and I frequently jeer the TV whenever he is on. He'll never be as good as Fed. The sooner his knees completely f**k up and he is forced to sadly retire, whilst his many fans sob because of the terrible news, the better. Absolutely despise all of this "Vamos Rafa" bullshit, f**k off.

    As for Murray, well played, clearly the better player on the American hard court. I think now that Federer is past his best, Murray is the best on that surface. I tip him in the following US and Australian Open events. Whether it be Federer, or Djokovic, I think he'll win tomorow. Once Murray wins one slam, the others will follow more easily, and it will be Murray and Del Potro who will dominate the tennis world. Nadal will only win the clay events, and everybody knows they are shit.

    Del Potro and Murray dominating the tennis world. :lol: Are you fucking high?

  5. Murray's serve wasn't good enough today, everything else was fantastic. Best he has been hitting his forehand for a long time. Absolutely beasted Nadal, on the slowest hard court around, which will give Murray extra satisfaction. Roger Federer and Nobreath Chokeovic have been shite recently, so Murray starts as favourite against either. Must serve better though.

  6. Needs to do well this week, and in Cincy, or there is a very real possibility he will be 5th seed for the US Open. He has about 1000 more points to defend than Soderling, who didn't enter Montreal last year and went out early in Cincy, and they are seeded to meet each other in the QF's. Make or break for Muzza.

  7. Haven't completed a game yet, other than that Avatar game which doesn't count. Oblivion is the nearest to completion with 940/1250G, just need to finish a few fighters guild missions and get stuck into the DLC. MW2 is 860/1000, can't be dicked with intel and the last 2 spec op missions. But I'm weird with achievements, I can't stop playing a retail game untill I have at least 50% of the GS available. The only ones I've not got 50% in are 345/1000 for FUEL, which is incredibly hard, and 840/1750 in GoW:2, which is only really due to the ridiculous ammount of DLC achievements.

  8. Definitely the right time to move on. They were together 3 years, and although Miles done well for there is only so much you can learn from one guy. It was reputedly the idea of Maclagan anyway, who was getting pissed off at Corjeta's ever increasing importance. Speaking of Corjeta, he's been retained on his part-time coaching conrract, but has gone back home for now, and the word is that Andy is playing the rest of the season coachless unsure.gif. Stefanki's deal with Roddick is up at the end of the season, and probably the best coach around, Darren Cahill is also free. They seem like the best options

    Re:dubs, no, the passive nature isn't beneficial to Andy at all. He really needs to be a lot more agressive, his passive, defensive play on the big points is ingrain ed in his mind, and that needs to change.

    But anyway, haven't been able to see any of Murray's matches this week, but he's apparently playing pretty gash at the moment, not looking as is he's trying a leg. But still, he's through, and I think it's Lopez he has in the semi.

    And yeah, I just want to complain abput that useless cunto Gulbis getting put out early again. What a fucking let down he has been after a promising build up to Rolland Garros. Better pull it together soon. mad.gif

  9. corrie is utter gash right now, biggest storyline is audries suprise birthday partyunsure.gif they do have teenage lesbians though....

    Our gays > their gays. It probably feels really awkward watching the Corrie lesbians due to the horrible actors and actresses on that soap, but you just don't get that feeling at all when your watching Christian and Syed, it just feels normal and natural if you know what I mean. Plus big Cristian is cool as f**k.

    Oh and btw, Glenda is a definite GILF. I'd have her over Roxy or Ronnie every time.

  10. No hype about Murray = semi finals at least

    Bank on it.

    Yeah, anything other than the semi's is an underachievement. He has a real chance this year, obviously Nadal would be the biggest hurdle if they meet in the semis. If he got through that I think he'd take Federer to be honest, the man is getting closer to retirement with every match. In fact, I doubt Federer will even get to the final, it will be Roddick or Hewitt.

  11. Soderling is probably, on form, the 3rd best player in the world right now. Baghdatis always plays well at Wimbledon, as does Youzhny who's having a fine season, and Isner's game is perfectly suited to grass. Add to that Gulbis, who is either really brilliant or really shite, and Ferrer who's back to somewhere close to his best (although admittedly pretty shite on grass) and you'll see it's perhaps not all that favourable.

    That said, I'd still fancy Nadal to beat them all.

    Grass is by far Soderling's worst surface, same with Youzhny and Ferrer. Baghdais is out and Isner will not win his 3rd round match if he beats Mahut. In fact, I don't think there is anyone in Nadal's quarter that has gotten past the fourth round at Wimbledon. Gulbis has withdrawn as well. Still the the easiest.

  12. As usuall, Nadal handed the easiest of the 4 quarters in the Wimbledon draw today. Murray's is pretty favourable as well though, should be aiming for at leat SF again.

    Murray has Simon, Querrey, Verdasco, Almagro, Tsonga and Ferrero in his quarter

    Federer has Bedych, Melzer, Wawrinka, Davadenko, Robredo and Lopez in his quarter.

    Djokovic has Hewitt, Roddick, Cillic, Kohlschreiber, Ljubicic, Monfils and other dangerous players like Mayer, Dent and Montanes.

    Nadal has Soderling, Bellucci, Baghdatis, Ferrer, Youzhny, Isner and Gulbis.

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