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Posts posted by McKee

  1. You used to be quite a decent troll back in the day. Shame really.

    Does any one know where Sky's studio(if you could call it that, it's about the size of a fucking cupboard) is located? I've assumed that it it's in Britain, which leads me to ask if they conduct their commentary live from the stadium? That probably sounds incredibly stupid, but you tend to find that they rotate their commentators and studio "analysts" on a day-to-day basis. I've been meaning to ask this for a while.

  2. How was it a comparison with McGowan? All that happened here is he's shown that even Falkirk fans have a tendency to overrate their players when it comes to international prospects.

    You also said Murray Wallace would've sold for a "helluva lot" more if he were English. How much is a "helluva lot"? 4 times more? 5 times? Do you think Murray Wallace would've been bought for £3.5M had be been playing for Wycombe?

  3. I see McKee's done a "it's my ball and I'm taking it home" with the Iain Russell thread. Lolz.

    Yeah, maybe if you're an idiot you could see that. It's been locked to avoid the utter tedium of a bump after every Iain Russell appearance. It's my gift to all the members of the forum with a trace of original thought.

    also, Paul McGowan for Scotland. laugh.gif

  4. :lol:

    I doubt very much if our squad of 16 senior players is one of the biggest in the league. And Im certain our budget will be in the 3 lowest.

    Yes, I doubt that too, I wasn't suggesting that. You're probably right tbh. It was a stupid statement to make, I apologize. What I had set out to say was somethung like - I don't think the Qots wage budget will be so low that it is cut adrift from everyone else. There won't be much between what the bottom few clubs are paying, IMO.


    Figures or GTFO.

  5. Acting like a nob is par for the course for a 16 year old. It's actually somewhat expected. It's probably the best thing about being a tenager tbh - there's little/no repercussions for arsehole behavior.

  6. Rather stupidly, I managed to put a nail in my foot earlier. I cleaned where it had went it in , got home, showered and made sure there was no dirt or anything near the wound. 9 hours later and the area has swollen up and has a burning sensation. Any ideas on how to relieve the pain? And please don't say 'quick question' thread for this :P

    Stick it under a pre-heated, medium heat grill for 5-10 minutes. Should do the trick.

  7. Wrong. Here, it'd maybe be a help if you had a wee read at the opening post old boy.

    You know those guys who go around clubs taking photos of drunks? Well those photos then go onto club's facebook pages for all to see. Some of them are quite funny. This thread aims to celebrate the horrendously blootered photograph.

    Take your "hahahAHAHA loojk at the fat peepl ollolol!!!" elsewhere.

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