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Posts posted by McKee

  1. Not at all. You were the one who posted the picture therefore opening the door for you be ridiculed. You also say I have a constant need to be liked on here. Wrong again.

    In time, people (including myself) will stop mentioning it. Don't get angry, settle down and enjoy the horrors that get posted on this thread. Take this advice from a so-called middleaged man ( only 36 ffs :( )

    This picture was source of the fear, not proof of what had happened. That was the point in posting it. There was nothing definite about it, or the whole situation. That was always, and has always been made clear.

    The mistake wasn't posting in the first place, the mistake was expecting men on a football forum to have the maturity to look upon such a post by an unpopular member in a light-hearted "aye, we've all been in the women-induced fear situation before" fashion.

  2. ^^^ soaking

    That's exactly the sort of response I expected. It's already getting to the stage(much like the xbl cockstease rubbish) where your repeated mentioning of something that was nothing other than a dose of The Fear is going to reflect far worse on you than it will on me. Do you 3 have an incessant need to be liked or valued on the forum? Continuing your daily expedition for green dots by mentioning the idea is only going so only going to strengthen the "Yes." case.

  3. Insert obvious McKees bird joke here

    Sigh. Firstly, what I thought(and that's the key word that everyone seems to ignore) I did is in no way comparable to that. Secondly, have you middle-aged men not enhanced your P&B reputation enough by talking about myself and this total non-event? You 3(Pheonix, Zen Archer and yourself) mention it every day in attempts to get green dots. Are you rely this reliant on internet forum approval? Give it a rest. dry.gif

  4. Got my first response, an unconditional from Robert Gordon for Computer Science. They've asked my to send them my educational certificates, I'm guessing this is par for the course for everyone, or at least for everyone applying independently. Are they only interested in the summary of attainment first page, or do they want to see every piece of paper I've been sent by SQA? I think i've lost all the pages about core skills n' shit. unsure.gif

  5. They're doing my absolute fucking head in. The pathetic rivalry Glasgow and Strathclyde students seem to think they have is cringe-inducing.

    And there appears to be f**k all you can do to stop them popping up on your facebook, other than de-friending or muting those that are liking them. dry.gif

  6. Aside from the spelling, grammar and punctuation; plus the slight historical inaccuracy, what is really that bad?

    Compared with some of the shit on here, that's about the best thing mentioned on here!

    Assuming that football works that way, assuming that a player of such pedigree could be afforded by Rangers, assuming that a player of such pedigree would want to join Rangers, the stereotypical association with Hamburg and the insinuation that nationality should even be considered when signing a footballer.

  7. "Croatian Out, Croation In. I say Rangers sign Mladen Petric. He is a great player and his team Hamburg aint doing to well in the league. Whats More, He was born in Bosnia & Herzigovina. He is also a player we could afford. He has scored 5 goals in 13 games."

    Where the f**k do you even start with that? My word.

  8. Could be wrong here but I think it's just an opportunity to learn a bit more about the Uni and your course itself, which was pretty useful IMO. They also take you a tour of the campus and let you see inside the halls and are helpful when answering any questions you have.

    Also on a side note - first year computer science is a piece of piss.

    What's the programming like? I always found the written side of Computing and Info Systems to be extremely easy, but I was poor when it came to programming. Although that was when using Basic and Prolog, and knowledge of those 2 is redundant at uni. Or so I've been told.

  9. Stirling have emailed me some codswallop about an "applicant day". Naturally I'd have absolutely f**k all desire to go to such a pointless function, but the email does say: " The Applicant Days will also provide additional information that will help you progress through the application process."

    Is this true? Will not going affect my chances of the application being successful?

    edit: I applied for Computer Science, if it makes any difference.

  10. Can't you just go and see one of your old teachers from last year? The school might have shut, but that doesn't mean their memories were all wiped.

    I could yeah, but they've all moved onto the new school, and I've never been in it. I'm not sure how they would react if I turned up unannounced asking for urgent help.

    I'm thinking the best way of doing this will be through Career Scotland, or whoever I'm supposed to go to for help on these sorts of issues.

    I should really have just done it last year with the school and saved myself all the fucking hassle.

    Happy Niew Year - I agree with xbl! :D

    McKee, if you know where any of your teachers live, just contact them direct and ask if it's ok to put them down as a reference.

    With regards to their contact details show their home address but make a note of the school they work or worked at.

    It doesn't quite work like that. They have to write a section of the application about you, you're suitability for the course and all other sorts of guff. It's going to seem quite rude asking them to go to to bother of doing that in such a short space of time. Especially for someone they don't teach anymore.

  11. I have a question about UCAS. I realize it would probably be more appropriate in the uni thread, but i cant find it.

    I left school in the summer, so I'm applying independently. I've just started my application, and the deadline is the 15th. You have to get a reference from a teacher, and this is where the problem lies. My school shut in the summer, and moved into a newly built building with another school, under a new name. On top of that my guidence teacher also retired.

    Should I get in contact with the new school? Will they help me out? Have I left it too late to get a response? Could I borrow a reference made about one of my mates by a teacher, and change it around to fit me, given that we were all taught the same subject by this teacher for a good 3 or so years, have similar qualifications, course choices and career aspirations?

    OR, am I fucked?

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