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Posts posted by Jinky67

  1. 1 hour ago, Grangemouth Bairn said:

    Congratulations to your lad for starting Uni in Edinburgh last week.

    My daughter just started Medicine at Dundee Uni last week so I know how hard it is to get in so your lad has done extremely well 👍.

    Hopefully we are both attending graduation ceremonies over the next few years 🤞.

    That’s amazing, congratulations to your daughter 🙌

    Fundamentally the point is you can allow your children to follow any team and for them to still be good people who can grow up and make a difference if you are willing to parent them properly including when at the football.



  2. 1 hour ago, SouthStander1876 said:

    I think everyones aware that not every fan of the OF are vermin. I have family and friends who are ST holders at Celtic Park. However there is a much higher ratio of cretins amongst the OF fans. Its quite sad actually the amount of children no older than 7 or 8 who spend the whole game gesturing towards the away support with the parents not batting an eyelid. 

    I absolutely get that, it’s unacceptable and we as parents have to be held to account as it’s us that have the biggest impact and influence on our children’s behaviour. If we turn a blind eye to it for 90 mins then we are just turning a blind eye period


  3. 14 hours ago, Grangemouth Bairn said:

    I just can’t get my head around how anyone can support a club like Rangers or Celtic that are horrible and bigoted let alone take my child to the game like a lot of them do.

    They are vile.

    You are allowed to have your opinion and I can’t get my head around why you do a lot of what you do but let’s not do the whole if you are a Celtic or Rangers fan you are a bigot by default and if you take your kids to those games you are encouraging them too to be bigots, it’s nonsense. 

    Ive taken my boys to games since they were young, I'm immensely proud of them, they have all done amazingly well with their education, 1 of which just started his law degree at Edinburgh Uni last week, the other 2 also represent Scotland internationally at an elite sporting level. We are a blended family with diverse ethnicity and beliefs and they all know I just don’t tolerate any of the shite they may hear in the stands but I take the time to educate them why.



  4. Took Falkirk way too lightly with that number of changes, Falkirk were well worth their lead at half time, got to applaud how they go about their game, I’m sure if I wasn’t so frustrated with our own play I could have appreciated it more.

    Changes made a difference especially hooking Palma who was typically shite, I thought Hatate was really poor too. Kuhn was outstanding, he’s really starting to look like the player we thought he could be.

    Anyway we won a game we were always supposed to win so we move on. Falkirk will get the plaudits for their 1st half and rightly so

  5. 7 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

    This has been ongoing for a few years. What’s the timescale on the chart being opened and being spent on some players that will make any difference?

    Or will Terry Munro suffice?

    So you don’t think spending 11 million on someone like Engels, a talented, young Belgian international is us starting to open said chest? (I assumed you mean chest and not chart as posted)

    If you think that’s been done to go to war with Killie and Motherwell then please accept my apologies and I’ll rescind my previous comment as you are indeed that daft.

  6. 4 hours ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

    The War Chest FFs.

    What war?

    Versus Kilmarnock and St Mirren?

    Or the one where the get repeatedly pumped by any semi decent side in Europe.

      Reveal hidden contents

    Yes I know the war is the sectarian war against Rangers*. 


    Mate you know fine well what he means by building a war chest and what for, you aren’t that daft.

    He is clearly alluding to bridging the gap in Europe

    2 hours ago, kennie makevin said:

    He's the flaw in my argument.....

    What argument? I think you posted this and now realise it’s a bit of a silly suggestion

  7. 4 hours ago, kennie makevin said:

    Great result for Celtic. Just shows what can be done in Europe with a manager who knows what he's doing. Rodgers now clearly the best Celtic manager since Stein.

    A bit of hot take suggesting beating Bratislava lifts him above a manager who has reached a European final and beaten the likes of Ajax, Juventus, Liverpool etc.

    Last night was great but we have a way to go to emulate what we were doing in the early 00’s.


  8. 1 hour ago, alta-pete said:

    Probably fair. 

    Probably as much as the idea as to what might happen if Dermot might withdraw as I think was the basis for the original quote. 

    Rangers don’t really have a Dermot. 

    I get the basis for it however what I don’t get is to why he ever thought that was a likelihood based on Rangers winning a single title. It was always an arse biter of a comment, a beautifully ironic one at that.

    And you need a Fergus before you get a Dermot, find a Fergus 1st 👍

  9. 4 hours ago, DC92 said:

    What are the limitations to the "proximity" argument? Can you block the ball with an outstretched arm as long as you're within a yard or two of the strike?


    Wasn’t about the proximity, it’s where it hit. If it hits your arms above the t-shirt line it isn’t a penalty which is what it appears to be in this case. From 1 angle it almost looks like his shoulder which shows how high up the arm it hit



  10. 3 hours ago, strichener said:

    How long do you think it takes to get plans drawn up and all the paperwork filled out for a planning application to be submitted.  Especially if discussions were taken g place with the planning authority?  It is entirely possible (probably) that Rangers were already working on the planning when they made the statement on the 14th August

    Celtic are entirely at fault over the allocation for Celtic Park.  I find myself in the really difficult position of siding with Rangers in this instance but there really isn't an arguement to be made for Celtic's actions.  In the same way as there wasn't for Ranger's initial restrictions on away fans.

    Celtic applied back in Feb, days after an agreement was reached and a month before the agreement was made public. Amazing what can be done when motivated. 

    It then took a month for it to be approved and 5 months to complete the works so 6 months from start to finish.

    Rangers believe they can do all of that in 4 months with the other construction issues ongoing. 

    Feel free to side with Rangers, that’s your choice if you genuinely think they can pull that off. 

  11. On 09/09/2024 at 08:14, ahemps said:

    Callum McGregor is not a top 6 EPL player because if he was that good then he would be one. He is good enough to have played in the EPL because lesser players have played in it.

    The prove is in the fact that he hasn't went there. Almost 99% of players want to play at the highest level they can and 99.9% of players will play at the highest level they can get paid at. McGregor is on around £37k a week at Celtic, the average EPL salary is around £75k. A top 6 midfielder will be on even more. No way McGregor is turning that down if he could get it.

    Also his current manager liked him so much he signed 3 centre midfielders at Leicester when he knew all about McGregor and what he was worth but still didn't try to take him.

    He is a very good player and I would have liked to have seen him tested at that level.

    I thought the whole if he could play at that level he would be playing at the level take was debunked with Henrik Larsson since it was all that was ever written and said about the man by rival fans until he actually went and done it. 

    Now I’m not suggesting Callum could hack it in a top 6 team, I’m genuinely unsure if he could however never in a million years did I think John McGinn would be one of the star men in a Champions League Villa team. Charlie Adam was another who was a bit of a surprise when he got the Liverpool move.

    But isn’t that why we love football for the players who surprise us now and then? 



  12. 4 hours ago, DukDukGoose said:

    What is a captain?

    A captains role is far more important in the dressing room. 

    Not sure I agree with that. He doesn’t have to be the best player on the pitch but he has to set the standards on it and be the example

    If you look at Tav on Sunday, there were a few times Maeda was past him and he just gave up. I’ve seen him in the past be responsible for a goal and look to find blame elsewhere, you just can’t do that and continue to be the standard. He had the opportunity to learn that from one of the very best examples of it in Gerrard 

  13. 1 hour ago, gannonball said:

    I think he has been miss managed terribly. He's clearly not a captain but no manager has had the stones to reverse it. It's evident he's almost guaranteed to be at fault for a goal when playing up against Maeda yet there appears to have no plans to counter that. Going to a back 3 may have helped prolong his Ibrox career or playing him as a defensive mid seems to have been obvious options to try but he's just been left out to dry as being on the right of a back four as his legs have gone a bit and was never the best positionally.

    Said for a number of seasons he’s a goal of a head start in every derby we play. I read recently in the past few seasons there are 19 goals we have scored that have come from Taverniers mistakes, poor positioning or defensive awareness. It’s a staggering number which he has gotten away with only because of his output at the other end which you can’t argue with is ridiculous, but he doesn’t seem to have that output this season, so far.

    He’s not a captain however and not the one Rangers currently need. l’ve said a few times to Rangers fans on here that he would be better suited to playing in midfield however I guess their valid argument is who do they have to replace him with but isn’t Sterling a natural right back?

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