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Everything posted by SandyCromarty

  1. I was taking the piss. I thought that it was obvious given my 'utter shite' remark.
  2. It's been well documented, and he is always keen to remind the media, that John Robertson didn't apply for the Caley job, without going into details and by all accounts, which could possibly be true, it was a political appointment in the sense that apparently one financially influential man wanted him to get the job. Robertson's last managerial appointment was with East Fife 5 years ago. Excuses have been made to the effect, and I have used them, that he came in late and had a limited budget, however he signed a few duds. Since getting the job his record is abysmal, in plain speak utter shite. The fans are 100% behind him.
  3. Uncle Roy doesn't feck about, a run of defeats and the Manager and his assistant are run off, wish we had that sort of hardness at ICT.
  4. After today's dire performance it's clear in my mind that the club is rotten and dysfunctional from top to bottom. We have a manager who never applied for the job and with limited funds on a hurry up he signed losers. We have a board that puts more effort and emphasis on chasing wee daft boys which in turn affects and influences possible future fans. We have recent appointments at the club of past employees of one man. And to top it all we are now looking at dwindling attendances. If I was of a perverse nature I could be persuaded that someone is running the club into the ground, but I'm not that type of person and prefer to view this shambles as total and ineffectual mismanagement. Something needs to be done now, but you know what? feck all will be done and we will carry on with this shite.
  5. The Chuckle Brothers might be an option going forward. Could be that Savage has a connection with them also.
  6. According to the BBC another board member has resigned, David Cameron posted his intention on the 7th of Sept, I think that's four board resignations now and three chairmen in as many months. Just checked the club's official site and there's no mention of it. Just what the feck is going on.
  7. Talk of other managers coming in is a wee bit premature, like I say what we need right now is Robertson to halt the slide within three games, if not and the board don't act then it would be up to us to do something along the lines of boycotting games for instance, a bit harsh I know but none of us want a repeat of last season where we all stood by meekly and accepted the shite that was going on.
  8. As I've said on another thread Robertson should be given no more than three games to bring positive results, if not he should be fired, 4 out of a possible 18 points is a feckin joke from a full time team with only one win against a part time team who probably all train together twice a week if that.
  9. What happened to Barry under Brewsters management is outlined below; Wilson joined St Johnstone on a one-month emergency loan in March 2008.[3] He returned to Caley Thistle after his loan spell with St Johnstone to win himself a new contract and went on to produce some outstanding performances in the closing games. This resulted in Craig Brewster awarding Wilson with a new 6-month contract. In December 2008, it was announced that Caley Thistle would not be offering Wilson a new contract and thus he would be free to move on when his current contract expired. Barry then moved on to Queen of the South for a couple of years in 2000. Basically Brewster fecked him over, the reason is unclear but I personally would put it down to Brewsters massive ego. Brewster was sacked in 2009, as far as I know the only ICT manager sacked.
  10. Sadly I see our Walker Cup team lost heavily to the USA 19 - 7 at the weekend in Los Angeles, I watched some of it on Sky but obviously not impressed by our lads which included three young Scots. Interestingly Craig Howie of Peebles was down as a reserve, on the first day of the British Boys championship this year he scored 11 under at Nairn Dunbar on the first qualifying day, on the next day at Nairn during horrendous windy conditions he was 3 over for his round, I watched him at a few holes and even with the weather he played and excellent solid game, don't forget that and on the same day I mentioned earlier that one player took 11 shots at the par three sixth.
  11. Brewster never impressed me as a manager as his disciplinarian attitude towards fitness didn't go down too well with some of the players, morning and then afternoon training for instance. And dropping Barry Wilson telling him he was overweight was a joke as Barry was our main man at the time, I think Brewster when he was player/manager selfishly had to be the main man on the pitch with all high balls into the box directed to him. I also just looked up his stats and they are not that impressive, probably they are in line with other managers but they do not indicate that his attitude to fitness brought us great success. 2004 - 2006 17 wins in 50 games at 34% 2007 - 2009 22 wins in 64 games at 34% No I never took to the man as a manager as I felt he was far too self centred. If you had tried as I did on a few occasions to enter into conversation with him you would have realised that.
  12. You're right and after that thrashing our lot probably couldn't win a feckin game of Dominos.
  13. Watch out for range balls, at some ranges they are like lumps of concrete which can damage the face of your clubs, always use older clubs on the range as it's your swing you are working on.
  14. Over the last months we have seen major upheavals at our club Relegation, a manager fired and a new one hired, players leaving and new young and older players brought in, the development league disbanded and three chairman in three months. At times like this we need stability and responsibility from those involved in the day to day running of the club. The latest statements from the board have shown a clear disregard of duty and care to the club, to issue silly statements regarding a small section of fans, all young boys, which only served to bring a bad and adverse press to the club is wholly detrimental when in fact the board should be conducting themselves in a proper and professional manner by bringing positives to the club and especially to the fans. There are a very serious set of posters on here, unlike mesel, who have repeatedly stated on here that they do not condone the boys behaviour in any way but do feel that the board have significantly mishandled the situation and brought, during a difficult time for the club, unwanted press attention by their actions. For me, as I've learned throughout life, there are two absolute truisms, one is 'People in glass houses should not throw stones' and 'You reap what you sow' and in my opinion this board have sown on stony ground.
  15. And you are so feckin anal retentive I bet you would lick your own hole clean if you could. And don't come back bleating about insults you fool.
  16. Couldn't agree with you more Rig. The Brechin management are now cashing in, pathetic and all started by a female steward, as I said earlier I was not far away from the boys and witnessed the whole thing and after the game as I was leaving I intentionally looked at where the boys were seated and there was no damage anywhere. Again another statement from the board which no doubt the local press and possibly the P & J will pick up on, which again will discourage parents allowing their youngsters to attend future games. All of this as I said earlier should have been handled in house. I now have absolutely no confidence in this board, shame on them.
  17. Most goalies are only as good as the defence in front of them. And our defence last season weren't the brightest.
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