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  1. Very Well Red running at Kempton tonight. Can he make the hat-trick folks?
  2. Avoided semi colon. Just had a fairly small single on Brunston at evens. Got Cavite Beta with Very Well Red and Sloop JohnB, doubles and a treble.
  3. Any opinions on Nicky Henderson's three at Doncaster today? 12.50: semi colon , 13.55: Brunston , 16.10: Cavite Beta
  4. Why is this word used so often on here? Seems to pop up everywhere. Even incorrectly apparently. This and "cretin" seem to be the terms most often used by the in-crowd.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpNVabPkbsA Foals' website also has clips of the new album up. Wish i was going to the ABC gig .
  6. Some time ago my student bank account, in which i was overdrawn, was closed by RBOS. They said it was because I hadn't made the minimum regular payments. I wasn't aware of this requirement but had actually started transferring money over from another account in which my student loan and wages were being paid into. So I did have money coming IN to the bank...just not the account it should have been going into. I tried a few times over the phone to sort it out and failed. I went to my branch once then was told the manager would phone ME. Again, nothing was done and i ended up accepting my fate. Since then I've had to repay an agreed amount of the overdraft each month while also being charged interest on the amount I am still overdrawn. It's a total b*****d paying all this back plus interest now. I only had the account for less than a year before they closed it and I know other students who have had their account 3/4 years and are overdrawn by considerably more. Maybe not quite a "quick" question but anyone had a similar scenario and can offer advice? Or do I have to put up and shut up?
  7. The Promotion (2008) Stumbled across the trailer on youtube. Had never heard of it before and after reading some reviews I began to understand why. Didn't fancy anything else though and the prospect of John C. Reilly and seeing Seann William Scott in a more serious role appealed. Very low hopes probably helped but I really enjoyed it. Funny throughout without being daft, touching at times and probably quite relevant to a lot of people. A pleasant enough wee watch. 70%
  8. Folk who refer to THEIR mum or dad as just "mum" or "dad". Eg. I went home and Mum said... Eh? Its YOUR mother not mine.
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