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Everything posted by parsforlife

  1. Disappointing news, but we can only offer what we can afford and if he is able to get more than that elsewhere there isn't much we can do about it, nor is it something I could bemoan him for. However like with Falkingham there will probably be more to come from this so I haven't given up hope yet.
  2. Idiot. his defence barely seems to extend beyond blaming it on roid rage. Surprised that he can only get 9 years, given how strick the us system can be, and his crime is basically attempted murder, and if he actually met a hit man rather than a police officer his wife would be dead.
  3. In other news Drummond has joined Berwick on loan til the end of the season.
  4. The new nomination stuff, I don't care If your planning on reclaiming Facebook, this is just as shite and annoying as the things you are trying to reclaim it from.
  5. That's sad news, glad we sent him away with a win. EDIT: he has clearly left a huge mark on many that have come through the club, his passing will leave a big hole in the club.
  6. Just wondering how does that work for club games skyline? Basically do you have the right to tell visiting players what boots they wear, even tho their boots are legal within the laws of the game? Obviously you can make recommendations which players would be sensible to follow.
  7. Good news on Geggan, also pleasing that it seems falky wants to start talks up again.
  8. Not sure but I think it's a case of blades gripping too much, resulting in players receiving bad injuries from twisting too quickly.
  9. I for one am SHOCKED that if you give a computer data that it remembers it, who allowed THIS to happen.
  10. Possibly, tho as said maybe licensed shops selling it would be better.Don't take what I said to be a contradiction to my support of legalisation btw, I never have said drugs are harmless or that taking them with that belief is anything less than sheer stupidity.
  11. Tbh I always thought taking horse tranquilliser every night was pretty harmless, but now the government has changed it from bad to really bad I'll probably stop, maybe just for weekends, I actually don't think the idea of drug classification is that bad, but only if it was not politicised and drugs were actually classified purely on harm which is clearly not the current system.
  12. Yeah emergency means f**k all really, the only time it really comes into play is after march 31st to sign a keeper.
  13. If only heroin was already tested the same way as prescription drugs, that would solve the problem.
  14. Most of your points have already been addressed, and I can't be bothered repeating them, on this point tho. What massive lab costs? Do we have massive lab costs for paracetamol? Are we unable to grow/produce the morphine we use? I would hazard a guess we may use a little more of that than we would heroin.
  15. Are my figures posted earlier being roundly ignored then?
  16. https://submissions.epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/45969 Petition by Caroline Lucas Don't think it will go anywhere, but I feel it would be hypocritical of me to argue over it one here and then ignore the petition. On the tobacco stuff, it's worth noting that figures about no uk tax payed does not by any means mean they are fakes, or even illegal. Regardless even if they were all fakes you are arguing a positive point by saying we could make 80% of drugs regulated with duty payed.
  17. http://www.academia.edu/434192/The_diamorphine_shortage_The_course_lessons_and_implications_of_the_diamorphine_shortage For the boys who are desperate for figures. In 2005 we were paying £41.36 a gram, a rip off given the dutch were only paying £6.30. By comparison current street price is approx £70 a gram, with it's unknown purity maybe lower than 14% acording to this article http://www.theguardian.com/society/2011/mar/15/heroin-shortage-britain-overdose-deaths Ok they are more than a decade old for some figures I can accept that, but it seems to have only ever come out as a result of the 2005 shortage of diamorphine. Sure if your that bothered you can try and find more up to date figures. If that isn't enough for you then go and do your own research.
  18. It isn't hard to equate lower demand for a product to a smaller number of sellers
  19. Medically trained people of course would administer (or at least provide and witness the user self-administrate). The safe dose would be calculated by these people, based on overdose likelihood, rather than how high they want the person to get. Of course with education and other help, the aim would be to for the dosage to reduce I would find it highly unlikely that a user would need another fix if they receive appropriate dosage , they would also be very aware that they would likely OD. Of course there would still be some criminality linked to drug use, but drug dealing would be a lot less desirable if you go from providing 100% of an addicts usage to a selling the odd bit every now and then.
  20. If people are under the influence of/ taking drugs at work and their performance hampered as a result(which it would for some drugs , such as weed or alcohol, but not for others such as nicotine or caffeine) then they should be rightly disciplined, I'm not sure how legality of the drugs make it acceptable for their use in work, if you go drinking at lunch and come back pissed you haven't broken the law, but you won't get away with it either.
  21. To be fair they are right, we should set up immigration policy based purely on land mass, every time a piece of land erodes away we reduce the number and every time re-claim some land we increase it. Sorry sir, we can't let you in, been a lot of rain this month, come back in a few weeks, we are filling in an old quarry.
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