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Everything posted by Trogdor

  1. ^BGM, when he watches McKenzie, Ashford et al cover those yards in training!
  2. Tomi was the one bright spark in a god awful team. Almost single handedly keeping that team up. I continue to wish him well. He had a positive impact at the club and many worse players get an easier ride from sections of our support.
  3. I'm sure you are supposed to get market value. When I wrote off a car (albeit 13 years ago) I got an offer from the Insurer that I couldn't buy the same car again with. I sent them examples of what it would cost in the local area. The car was six years old at the time. They gave me the cost of buying a new one (ie. 6 year old) less my excess. There were no other vehicles involved and it was my fault. I thought that was standard practice though.
  4. The only exception being the McAllister he will be playing against. Who did look absolutely done against Stennie. I think on balance it's probably the way to go tbh. We have limited options.
  5. Biden's abilities are a bit like Donald Sutherland's acting now. He does everything sitting down. The reality is they are both too old. Biden is more doddery than Trump, that's not the slight you think it is. Its simply the reality. Trump's grasp of the facts has always been poor. He had numerous gaffes pre-2016 as well. That's why it's not a surprise to anyone. Whereas Biden used to have a grasp of the issues. When was the last time Biden had a press conference? His team of handlers don't like to let him off the leash that speaks volumes. I'm not sure why you can't see that. I genuinely wouldn't be surprised if there are no Presidential debates this time round for that very reason. I wouldn't vote for Trump either (I'm not a US citizen anyway) but he's more cognitive than Biden.
  6. Come on man. Biden got taken out by a sand bag. Trump is more cognitive than Biden. I doubt Biden could actually stand for the amount of time Trump rants at his rallies. Let alone talk semi coherently. Tbf they will both be octogenarians when president (irrespective of which one wins in 2024) and both should be put out to pasture. It just shows the state of US politics and the failure of the Democrat & Republican parties. Is this their best?
  7. Well with the exception of Clarke being a successful manager.
  8. Clarke is just fucking trolling now. Edit - I find myself agreeing with Michael Stewart.
  9. I heard that Ferguson and Doig hadn't run hard enough in training.
  10. Clarke is so fucking frustrating, yet the results show that he knows what he is doing. Keep the faith. Hopefully Sir Lawrence gets on for the second half.
  11. Clarke is like any manager. He has his favourites. I doubt its DKB bias tbh. He's just a stubborn arse. Given his results its hard to complain though.
  12. I'm desperate to get back out on the NT. I think being in the SRE is making me more cantankerous than usual.
  13. How's the North Stand looking? I've not had my weekly fix of construction porn.
  14. Aye, given we have failed to win 9 of 13 league games already and we're conceding almost 2 goals a game, I'm not sure that's true.
  15. He'll be gone soon enough. When half the vote either doesn't turn out at the GE or splits to the Greens with constituency after constituency falling, the decision will be taken out of his hands. Sometimes you need to take one step backwards to take two steps forwards. That's where we are just now.
  16. MM is toast either way. He won't win Falkirk East after this.
  17. That's mild for Wullie. He's a fucking weapon. Has he had his day in court yet?
  18. I think he's got to go tbh. Edit - As a parent I would have resigned rather than drag my family into it. If he was protecting his family he would have resigned. This is a shameless move to save his skin.
  19. Hopefully we can say the same about BGM soon enough. Except I doubt anyone will miss the eyebleedingly bad home performances we've endured.
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