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Everything posted by Clarko_son

  1. Excellent news! Assuming we don't go 3-0 down after 27 minutes again
  2. We played 3, scored 3, won 2 and didn't concede before we played Elgin and yesterdays game. Which was more like our early season grind it out style. I'm not expecting a pair of games that will go down as classics but just hoping we find a way through
  3. Managing to concede from a corner that no Stranraer player got near to was something. Aye yesterday's game happened and now it's over so it's on to the playoffs. I think Lynas is being harsh as he wasn't bad at centre half at all, I mean I'd want him playing right back at all possible times but I don't think it's an absolute disaster if he had to fit in there in an emergency.
  4. I would think Stranraer would have some guys keen to try and impress as well for new deals while we'll end up going through the motions. I assume we'll rotate a lot of players for this one or make loads of subs after an hour just to try and keep players fit for the playoffs and give others some minutes. As long as we can stay injury free and no one ends up suspended then I'll be happy with that.
  5. They're getting the pints in next time we play them then, hopefully not next season mind you
  6. Disappointed to lose any game through an injury time goal as I would've hoped we could see it out. Congratulations to Elgin on securing their place in the league next season as well, especially after that run they went through in March into April
  7. Broun getting start in particular I feel makes sense, also options off the bench feels strange
  8. Hopefully McKee in particular and Lynch can feature at some point just to get some minutes in. No injuries and no daft red cards which could lead to multiple game bans would be the aim from this one. If we can avoid giving away a penalty like the last time we played as well that might help
  9. That's it announced officially now Great bit of business to get him signed up (despite giving away a penalty yesterday), been a solid player and would run through a brick wall if it benefited the team
  10. After Orsi's early chance I thought we'd be onto a cracker of a game. Then the rest of the first half happened... Second half was better in that we saw a goal and a couple of missed penalties. I'll need to see it back but I was certain at the time ours wasn't a foul. Big McNiffs turn and finish was unexpected but he stuck it away well. It's a win and a clean sheet. League is now officially done and second place secured, just need to try and keep results going over the next few weeks now for some momentum.
  11. I will happily admit I was wrong in my understanding of the shareholder/director part and their respective roles. Also on the last point it's fairly obviously a no there. Whichever new patsy gets brought in to front it all we shall see soon enough I'm sure.
  12. He is banned from being a director so he shouldn't be owning or operating anything
  13. I assumed the emotional pain of not playing for us anymore would make all other football seem pointless. Or I just made up my own story when trying to remember that article.
  14. Was it him who was talking about leaving football altogether last year?
  15. Being a Dumbarton fan means you end up gambling with your own sanity most of the time anyway
  16. Wylde and Duffy before him were always the way you could tell someone had no clue about the Scottish lower leagues. I mentioned we'd signed Wylde to someone and they couldn't believe he could possibly be playing at our level and would surely be one of the best players in the league.
  17. I was genuinely surprised to see Rangers wanted to continue with the deal this year considering the state of the pitch last season.
  18. Not yet, he was a 2 year deal at the start of 21/22
  19. The weather for most of the week looks pretty good actually. It'll probably get postponed for being too dry.
  20. MacLean has contributed less this season but also not got sent off or been quite as much of a bam. Now that to me doesn't seem like grounds for a 2 year deal. He's got his uses definitely but he's not someone I would've been desperate to hold on to tbh, nothing against him coming back if there wasn't another option out there type. But why we've felt the need to get him tied down I'm not entirely sure.
  21. That's an absolutely dreadful decision! As much as I want us to win games I'm actually glad he missed it and we still got the points anyway. Also that's a really good highlights package they produce
  22. I think Div signing is a pretty good one, start of the season against Stirling in the league cup and then against Rangers B he was rotten (everyone that day was mind you) and then he just seemed to end up on the bench. But since then I've been impressed by him overall. I think he seems to be willing to run on behind the strikers as well which seemed to work with Wallace dropping deeper in games. I'd agree with that and also be tempted to say McNiff and Grant as well?
  23. I think we're just hoping everyone has just forgot about all the issues last night from reading that
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